Overlook Neighborhood Update (Aug. 23)

1) Will you be an Overlook leader?

2) Portland Harbor cleanup

3) OKNA revises bylaws

4) Park maintenance event in Arbor Lodge

1) Will you be an Overlook leader?

The Overlook Neighborhood Association will hold its annual elections in September. If you’d like to help keep Overlook the best neighborhood in Portland, please consider running for the board. The time commitment is two meetings most months and some committee work, depending on which committees you choose to participate on.

Per our recently revised bylaws (see below), candidates must declare their intent to run by Sept. 5. To do so, email chair@overlookneighborhood.org with your name and address. The membership will elect 12 board members. The top six vote-getters will receive two-year terms. The bottom six will need to run again in a year for a two-year term. (This is the transition to staggered two-year terms with half of the board seats up each year.)

The OKNA Board is still working out the details of how people will cast their votes in the pandemic era. We’ll let you know more soon.

2) Portland Harbor cleanup

The U.S. Environmental Protection agency has released the final Portland Harbor Community Involvement Plan (CIP). This document will guide the EPA’s engagement with neighborhoods that will be affected by cleaning toxins from the superfund site in the Willamette River. The Overlook Neighborhood will be especially impacted because Swan Island is part of the neighborhood. Greeley Avenue and Going Street will be key routes for removing some tainted material and accessing the river.

A summary of the CIP also is available.

3) OKNA revises bylaws

Members of the Overlook Neighborhood Association had a great discussion about the bylaws and voted to adopt amendments at the Aug. 18 general meeting. You can read the revised bylaws and highlights of the amendments.

Video of the general meeting is available on OKNA’s YouTube channel.

4) Park maintenance event in Arbor Lodge

The Northwest Center for Alternatives to Pesticides and the Arbor Lodge Neighborhood Association seek up to seven volunteers for a socially distanced volunteer event at Arbor Lodge Park.

Arbor Lodge Park is Portland’s largest pesticide-free park and relies on volunteers to help manage the grounds using non-chemical methods. NCAP staff will also be filming the volunteer event in order to prepare a short video about pesticide-free management techniques.

If you are interested in helping at the park with weeding, mulching and more, please show up for the event on Sunday, Aug. 23, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. NCAP will provide gloves, tools, masks and snacks.