Overlook Neighborhood Update (March 22)

1) Oregon Blue Book essay contest

2) Complete your census form

3) Support these Overlook businesses during COVID-19 crisis

1) Oregon Blue Book essay contest

All elementary and middle school-aged children are invited to compete in the 2021–2022 Oregon Blue Book Essay Contest. This year, the contest’s theme is “100 Years of Oregon’s State Parks,” since it was just under 100 years ago that our first state park opened to the public. Essays should answer the following question: What is your favorite Oregon State Park and why? Students are also encouraged to illustrate their essays with drawings.

The biannual Oregon Blue Book is the state’s government almanac and go-to fact book.

The winners’ essays will be included in the 2021–2022 edition of the Oregon Blue Book, and the winners will be invited to the Capitol for the official Blue Book release party and celebration in early 2021. The deadline for submitting entries is October 22, 2020. For more details, please click here.

2) Complete your census form

Oregon households have begun receiving mailings from the U.S. Census Bureau asking them to participate in the census. For the first time, the census will be conducted primarily online, with the option to respond via phone or mail. Please do so promptly.

If you don’t complete the form by the deadline, the Census Bureau likely will send a worker to your home to collect the information. At this time of social distancing, no one should want a visit from someone going door-to-door.

Information collected is used to determine the amount of federal funds that Oregon will receive over the next 10 years for many services, including schools. The data also will be used to determine how many congressional seats will represent Oregon over the next decade. In addition, the census triggers redistricting, which will redraw legislative districts in Oregon. By completing the census form, you help ensure that Overlook is fairly represented in the state Legislature.

Incomplete information, undercounting and nonparticipation in the census can mean that federal funds will not be distributed appropriately, which can have lasting impacts, especially on communities that are already underserved. Completing the census takes about 10 minutes, and under federal law, the information collected is confidential.

3) Support these Overlook businesses during COVID-19 crisis

Just a reminder that many Overlook businesses have had to shut down or offer limited service during the ongoing coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis. The Overlook Neighborhood Association is maintaining on our website a list of restaurants that are continuing to offer takeout or delivery service.

OKNA urges neighbors who are able to support local businesses at this time. If they don’t survive the crisis, they’ll never be back.

And remember to check in on vulnerable neighbors if you are able. This is a time for all Overlook residents to band together to help each other – while maintaining appropriate social distancing.

Restaurants and bars doing takeout or delivery (if we missed one, email info@overlookneighborhood.org):