Overlook Update (July 3)

1) July Fourth celebrations

2) OKNA Board meeting

3) OKNA Board resignations

1) July Fourth celebrations

The Overlook Neighborhood Association wishes all neighbors a happy Fourth of July weekend. As you celebrate, we urge you to keep in mind two important safety items.

First, at this time of COVID-19, we urge all residents to exercise appropriate precautions against catching and spreading the virus. The safest choice this holiday is to celebrate at home. If you choose to celebrate in other ways, activities that take place outdoors, allow for enough room to maintain physical distancing and involve fewer people are lower risk than activities that take place indoors, don’t allow for physical distancing and involve more people. Below are some extra tips for enjoying the holiday safely:

    • Stay home if you’re sick or if you have an underlying medical condition that puts you at higher risk of severe illness from COVID-19.
    • If you host a gathering, provide hand sanitizer or give people easy access to places where they can frequently wash their hands.
    • Adjust your food offerings to avoid sharing utensils and offer individual servings. Don’t share drinks.
    • During and afterward thoroughly clean all frequently touched areas your guests have access to.
    • Wear a mask and maintain 6 feet of physical distance.

By knowing and understanding the risks of our actions and activities, we can make informed decisions that not only impact our own health but also protect the health of everyone around us.

Second, please use caution with fireworks. Because more large fireworks displays have been canceled, many people will set off their own as part of their celebrations. The Portland area remains in drought conditions, and dry grasses and other vegetation can catch fire throughout the Overlook neighborhood. A recent fire associated with a homeless camp in Madrona Park demonstrates the risk of irresponsible behavior. Please have water on hand to douse used fireworks and keep far from especially fire-vulnerable areas.

By taking appropriate precautions, we can all celebrate a safe and healthy Fourth of July.

2) OKNA Board meeting

The Overlook Neighborhood Association Board will meet on Tuesday, July 7 at 6:30 p.m. via Zoom. Call-in information is on the agenda. Anyone who wishes to call in via phone should contact chair@overlookneighborhood.org for the number. The board will discuss the next issue of Overlook Views newspaper, whether to post meeting recordings online, board vacancies and more. Anyone may join the call.

3) OKNA Board resignations

This week, Peter Parks and May Wallace quit the Overlook Neighborhood Association Board. We wish them luck in their future endeavors.