Overlook Neighborhood Update (May 2, 2021)

    1. OKNA Board Meeting This Tuesday
    2. Greeley Cycle Track Project is “On Track” to be
      Completed by June 1
    3. I-5 Rose Quarter Improvement Project Open House – Feedback Extended to May 10

OKNA Board Meeting This Tuesday 

The Overlook Neighborhood Associate Board will be meeting this Tuesday. The meeting is open to all neighbors and you can tune in by clicking the Zoom link starting at 6:30pm. Agenda points here:


Greeley Cycle Track Project is “On Track” to be
Completed by June 1

Those driving, riding, and walking along N Greeley Ave have probably noticed the construction of the cycle track on the west side of the street between N Going St and N Willamette Blvd. This will bridge the gap between the recently built cycle track on the east side of Greeley south of Going and the North Willamette Blvd Greenway. This current construction is being done by the adidas Village contractor for the city, and the project is still in the contractor’s hands until June 1 when PBOT assumes responsibility.

Items still to be completed include:

  • Align the Going St ramp signals with the new pavement markings
  • Activate the bike signals to allow safe crossing to the new east side cycle track
  • Review northbound right-turn only lanes to those ramps, making it clear where the traffic should merge to continue up Greeley
  • Synchronizing the adidas signals with each other

OKNA has been in touch with PBOT to make sure these issues are addressed ASAP. Please be careful in this construction zone until that happens and everyone is used to the new configuration.

I-5 Rose Quarter Improvement Project Open House – Feedback Extended to May 10

There’s more time to make your voice heard! The online open house will now be open through May 10.

Join the Independent Cover Assessment team in envisioning what the highway covers can become. Tell us how to best create economic and community development opportunities that knit the Albina community together.

This online open house is the second in a series and one of several public engagement opportunities. Participants will review and refine potential development scenarios, assessing how the design of each scenario supports the community’s vision and restorative justice outcomes. Learn more about the independent cover assessment and upcoming engagement opportunities here.

Make your voice heard by clicking here.