Overlook Neighborhood Update (Jan. 26)

1) Greeley Avenue multi-use path update

2) Taking care of Overlook’s birds during the winter months

3) Pruning 101 workshop

4) Legislative town hall

5) North Portland losing its Police Street Crimes Unit

1) Greeley Avenue multi-use path update

Neighbors might have noticed that work on the multi-use path along N Greeley Avenue has stopped. The Portland Bureau of Transportation said that the construction has shut down for the winter by the contractor. The full-width paving that will be done as part of the project requires warmer, drier weather than is available this time of year. The contractor likely will start up again at the end of March and finish by the end of May. If spring is extra rainy, that timeline might be delayed.

2) Taking care of Overlook’s birds during the winter months

During the winter, Overlook’s birds need your support. If you’re able to put out seed, suet or hummingbird water, our feathered friends thank you.

Don’t forget, however, to clean the feeder once in a while. Repeated contact with many birds (and occasional squirrels) will leave dirt and germs on feeders that can transmit diseases between animals. By washing your feeders in a mild bleach solution, you’ll help keep birds healthy. Be sure to thoroughly rinse and dry your feeder after washing.

3) Pruning 101 workshop

When the sun breaks out, like it did today, it’s hard not to think about fixing up the yard a bit. Make sure you take care of your plants properly so that they thrive. The North Portland Tool Library will host Pruning 101 workshop on Saturday, Feb. 1, 10 a.m. to noon at the Historic Kenton Firehouse (8105 N Brandon Ave.).

This free pruning workshop by local expert Lydia Cox of Radish Gardens will cover types of pruning, how to make a clean cut, when to prune and more. Registration is not required.

4) Legislative town hall

The Oregon Legislature will get back to work soon, and our North Portland delegation wants to hear from neighbors about their priorities. House Speaker Tina Kotek, Rep. Tawna Sanchez and Sen. Lew Frederick will host a Town Hall on Thursday, Jan. 30, 6 to 7:30 p.m. at PCC Cascade Campus, Moriarty Auditorium (on the NE corner of N Albina and N Killingsworth). Join them to hear about their priorities for this year’s short session and to share yours.

5) North Portland losing its Police Street Crimes Unit

Portland Police will shut down two Street Crimes Units on Feb. 6, and North Portland’s unit is one of them. The Police Bureau cites staffing shortages as the cause. The Street Crimes Units work to investigate violent crime, illegal drugs and chronic offenders with the goal of reducing calls for patrol officers.

Read more about the change in coverage at KGW.
