Overlook Neighborhood Update (Jan. 18)

1) Neighborhood meeting on Tuesday

2) Spay/neuter for stray cats in February

3) Apply to serve on the Portland Adjustment Committee

4) Learn about home solar power options

1) Neighborhood meeting on Tuesday

The Overlook Neighborhood Association will hold its monthly general meeting on Tuesday, 6:30-8:30 p.m. at the Lucky Labrador Tap Room (1700 N Killingsworth St.). Come out, buy a slice of pizza and a beverage, and meet your fellow Overlook residents. The agenda includes an update from adidas about construction and the planned cycle track on N Greeley Ave. We’re also setting aside time for neighbors to chat informally with board members about their neighborhood priorities and opportunities to become more involved in OKNA.

2) Spay/neuter for stray cats in February

The Feral Cat Coalition of Oregon is offering free spay/neuter services in February for feral and stray cats. February is the perfect time to spay/neuter to prevent litters of stray kittens in the spring.

Anyone who is feeding feral or stray cats qualifies for this program, regardless of income or where they live. Services include spay/neuter surgery, vaccines, flea treatment, pain relief medication and an ear-tip for identification.

Help the feral and stray cats in Overlook by improving their welfare and reducing their populations. Low-cost services also will be available for pet cats. Surgeries will be performed at the FCCO clinic in Southwest Portland. To schedule an appointment call 503-797-2606 or visit feralcats.com. Space is limited.

3) Apply to serve on the Portland Adjustment Committee

When a developer wants to go outside the rules for a new building, an adjustment is required. If anyone contests an adjustment granted by city development staff, the case goes to the Portland Adjustment Committee. It’s an important job to ensure development meets the city’s goals for livability and appropriate growth.

The Bureau of Development Services is recruiting to fill two vacancies on the seven-member Adjustment Committee One of the vacancies is for a member of the public at large, and the other is for someone with expertise in urban design or architecture. For the public at large position, BDS specifically is looking for someone who is or has been involved with a neighborhood association or district coalition.

Interested applicants can learn more and  fill out the application online. Please note that the link identifies only one vacancy, but a second vacancy has since opened up.

4) Learn about home solar power options

The nonprofit Solar Oregon will put on a Basics of Solar Workshop on Saturday, Feb. 1, from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Historic Kenton Firehouse (8105 N Brandon Ave.). Solar Oregon will answer your questions about how solar works, share information about incentives available, and help you take the first step to adding solar on your home.

The event is free and open to everyone. Please register online if you’d like to attend.

This workshop is made possible with support from Energy Trust of Oregon.