Overlook Neighborhood Update (Feb. 26)

1) Homeless camp update
2) Resilience Summit a success
3) Multnomah County budget survey
4) Air toxins discussion (Sun. Feb. 28)
5) Upcoming construction near Overlook Park
6) OKNA Board meeting (Tuesday, March 1)
7) CANCELED: Celebrate North Portland 2016

1) Homeless camp update

On Friday, members of the Overlook Neighborhood Association Board met with Portland city staff and representatives of the Hazelnut Grove homeless camp near the intersection of N Greeley and Interstate avenues. The topic was plans by the city to issue a permit to the camp to formalize its operations. Although there were some different ideas around the table, the discussion was productive and will continue over coming days as we seek to hammer out an arrangement that can meet everyone’s needs. Stay tuned to the weekly update for more information.

2) Resilience Summit a success

summit3Last Saturday, more than 100 neighbors and other Portland residents gathered for Sustainable Overlook’s second annual Resilience Summit, co-sponsored with the Overlook Neighborhood Emergency Team (NET) on the theme of preparedness. The morning began with a terrific keynote presentation “Surviving a 9.0: Lessons from Chile and Japan,” by geotechnical engineer Allison Pyrch.

That excellent – and sobering – presentation was followed by four speakers: Captain Corey Wilson from Station 24 spoke about Portland Fire & Rescue’s response strategy after a big seismic event; Ernie Jones from the Portland Bureau of Emergency Preparedness spoke about PBEM’s NET and BEACON programs; Mitch Bixby (Overlook NET team lead) reviewed our team’s efforts; and Leslee Lewis Overlook NET lead and Sustainable Overlook spoke about the map your neighborhood block preparedness program and preparing your own home.

After a terrific lunch catered by New American Restaurant, there was more information and conversation at tables for NET, Phlush (the 4-bucket Emergency Waste System) and Thrive (freeze-dried foods); and an area with some ideas for your emergency food and supply stash. The day wound up with four more presentations: Emergency Radio Communications by John Beaston, Staging Areas and How They Work by Mitch Bixby, Food Prep Using Freeze-Dried Foods by Angie Smith, and Knowing Your Neighbors and Mapping Your Block by Josh Cabot.

There was plenty of food for thought, and neighbors went home with some concrete ideas on how to increase their preparedness. Luck favors the prepared.

See more photos from the event.


3) Multnomah County budget survey

Multnomah County has begun preparing its budget for the next fiscal year. County officials would like to hear from you about what to prioritize. Your responses will help the county better serve your needs and improve services. The survey typically takes only 3 to 4 minutes to complete.

Click Here to Start the Survey

4) Air toxins discussion (Sun. Feb. 28)

Eastside Portland Air Coalition is a group comprised of our local neighbors in southeast and northeast Portland. Recently, Bullseye Glass Co. and another glass company in northeast was found polluting very high levels of cadmium, arsenic and other metals. The coalition invites residents interested in learning more about the current air toxins problems to attend a public meeting on Sunday at Ex novo Brewing.

Air toxins discussion
Sunday, Feb. 28, 4-5:30 p.m.
Ex Novo Brewing (2326 N Flint Ave.)

5) Upcoming construction near Overlook Park

Overlook_ManholePortland Environmental Services is designing a project to replace a deteriorating manhole that accesses a 105-year-old, brick-stone sewer located between N Greeley Avenue and Overlook Park. Replacing the manhole will help prevent sanitary sewer overflows and protect public health and the environment.

Construction is tentatively scheduled to begin July 2016 and last up to four months. We will notify you again before construction begins.

The manhole is located at the toe of the steep west slope of Overlook Park and provides access to the public sewer. Construction will not interfere with access to or activities in Overlook Park because the manhole is not part of park land generally accessed by park visitors.

Crews will access the manhole from a dirt road off of N Greeley Avenue. While the project will not close or restrict any travel lanes on Greeley, the traveling public should be alert to slow-moving construction vehicles entering and exiting the construction zone off of Greeley. The equipment staging area will be located completely off of Greeley.

Regular construction hours will be 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday. The contractor may schedule work during the same hours on Saturdays.

For more information, please contact Cheryl Kuck at Cheryl.Kuck@portlandoregon.gov or 503-823-7898. To sign up for emailed construction updates, email Cheryl with “Overlook Park” in the subject line. Updates will also be posted on the project web page at www.portlandoregon.gov/bes/overlookpark.

6) OKNA Board meeting (Tuesday, March 1)

The Overlook Neighborhood Association Board will meet on Tuesday to discuss neighborhood business. View the agenda.

OKNA Board meeting
Tuesday, March 1, 6:30-8:10 p.m.
Overlook House (3839 N Melrose Dr.)

7) CANCELED: Celebrate North Portland 2016

Due to location logistics problems, the sixth annual Celebrate North Portland has been canceled. The event had been scheduled for Saturday, March 12.