Overlook Neighborhood Update (Aug. 2)

1) OKNA Board meeting

2) N Greeley Avenue multi-use path complete

3) Steel Bridge closed for four weeks

1) OKNA Board meeting

The Overlook Neighborhood Association Board will meet via Zoom on Tuesday, Aug. 4 at 6:30 p.m. The main topic on the agenda is a resumption of previous conversation about bylaws updates. All residents are welcome to call in an observe the board discussion.

2) N Greeley Avenue multi-use path complete

Work is officially complete on the Portland Bureau of Transportation’s N Greeley Avenue Multi-use Path and Paving Project. The new two-direction bicycle and pedestrian path along the east side of the road is separated from traffic by a large concrete barrier that allows people to walk and bike safely along this busy traffic corridor in the Overlook Neighborhood. It extends from N Interstate Avenue to N Going Street.

The project also included repaving the traffic lanes along that stretch of Greeley and installing new signals for bicyclists at the Greeley-Going interchange.

Greeley is a busy, high-speed road with heavy freight vehicle traffic. There are 25,000 motor vehicle trips per day and 15% of them are trucks. The street is also classified as a Major City Bikeway. It provides a direct bicycle connection between St. Johns and the central city. It also is a Priority Truck Street and a City Walkway.

The total project budget was $1.8 million. Read more about it in the next issue of Overlook Views, which will be distributed to neighborhood residences in the next few weeks.

3) Steel Bridge closed for four weeks

The Steel Bridge closed today (Sunday, Aug. 2) for four weeks. During this time, crews will make major upgrades to the MAX light rail system on the bridge.

The upper deck of the bridge is closed to auto, bus, MAX trains, bicycle and pedestrian traffic. All MAX lines will be disrupted. Riders will have to take shuttle buses serving the Rose Quarter and downtown. Expect transportation delays in the area. The work is scheduled to be complete on Saturday, Aug. 29.

Check out the upcoming issue of the Overlook Views for more information and visit the project website.