Overlook Neighborhood Update (10/3/21)

  1. Cleaner Air Oregon Presentation 10/26/21
  2. OKNA Board Meeting Tuesday

Cleaner Air Oregon Presentation 10/26/21

On 10/26/21, Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods and North Portland Neighborhood Services will host a public meeting to address the concerns about air toxics and health risk from four North and Northeast Portland Industrial Facilities. These industrial sites are currently in evaluation by the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) through the Cleaner Air Oregon Program. Clustered along the North edge of Portland, along the Columbia River, the sites are located in three neighborhoods: Cully, Kenton, and St. Johns.

Click here to join the meeting virtually on Zoom, October 26th from 6-8pm.


OKNA Board Meeting Tuesday

Tuesday October 5th, the Overlook Neighborhood Association Board will be meeting on Zoom from 6:30 – 8pm. This is the first meeting with the newly elected board and we will be discussing board roles and responsibilities and voting in the different chairs and committee leads. The public is welcome to join.

Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/95028960315?pwd=aGY3d2dhSVhvY2Y2UFJWL2RBRzBqUT09

Board Meeting Agenda