OKNA Overlook Neighborhood Email 8-08-2014


1) OKNA Picnic: Tuesday, August 19th

2) N Williams Traffic Open House (8/12)

3) Communications Positions Open

4) Seaport Celebration Registration Open!

5) PSU Traffic and Transportation Course


1) OKNA Picnic: Tuesday, August 19th

Join your neighbors for our annual summer gathering, held this year at the new Atomic Pizza location at 1936 N Killingsworth (@ N Denver Ave). Owners Jenna and Bill have arranged a buffet spread for us to choose from, at $8 per person. Expect varied slices of pizza, including vegan options, green and spinach salads, cookies/sweets and fountain soft drinks. Beer, wine, bottled sodas and Ruby Jewel ice cream will be available for purchase.

Come see the newly remodeled space and meet your neighbors in the beautiful gardens!

WHEN: Tuesday, August 19, 2014 from 6:00 – 8:00 pm
WHERE: Atomic Pizza, 1936 N Killingsworth @ Denver Ave
WHY: To get together with neighbors and enjoy a natter over dinner; come meet someone new!


2) N Williams Traffic Open House (8/12)

Major changes to improve safety for all travelers are coming this fall to North Williams Avenue, a corridor that serves a growing neighborhood as well as being a popular commuting route for vehicles, bicycles and transit between downtown and North Portland. 

The Portland Bureau of Transportation will preview the N Williams Traffic Safety and Operation Project’s new street design and construction plans at an open house August 12th, from 6 to 8 p.m. at Immaculate Heart Catholic Church, 2926 N Williams Ave. 

The project was developed in 2012 after a 16-month public involvement process that addressed community concerns over development and traffic safety.   A$1.5 million grant received in 2013 from the Oregon Department of Transportation is funding the improvements, which will extend from NE Broadway to N Killingsworth Street.

The project creates a new street design that eliminates one travel lane and provides a new, buffered bicycle lane on the left side of the street to reduce conflicts with buses; improves crosswalks for pedestrian safety, reduces the speed limit and also creates a new traffic signal at the busy N Cook Street intersection.

Construction is anticipated to begin in early September and be completed within three months.  Construction mainly consists of restriping the street and crosswalks, installing curb extensions, and the traffic signal.   More details are available at northwilliamssafety.org, and this map.


3) Communications Positions Open

It’s been suggested that I have not been as clear as possible here: There will be no more newsletter, website, Facebook or Nextdoor postings for OKNA after September 15. Your OKNA Communications Chair is retiring and we are looking for people interested in sharing OKNA news with neighbors. We need help in the following areas; please consider taking on a satisfying project that will teach you about the internal workings of our city government and give you a chance to directly and positively impact your neighborhood!

Website: The website content is up to date but the template could use some updating. This position should be held by someone familiar with WordPress, who is willing to keep the site updated and secured. Most work is done in the WordPress dashboard but the webmaster should be familiar with the back end works as well. OKNA maintains several email accounts (with forwards) that this person should also assist with. We recommend having multiple content managers.

Facebook: Topping 600+ members, the OKNA Facebook page would be well served by having several administrators who can post to the page. The page is well connected with information for ‘shares’. Of you 600, are there 3 or 4 who’d help out with sharing posts and updates?

NextDoor: Similar to Facebook, but private, this social media site has an active constituency. OKNA could benefit from one person posting OKNA information (meetings etc) to the group. This group is not run by OKNA, we should just contribute there.

Newsletter: Our quarterly print newsletter needs a new coordinator to maintain contact with the OKNA board and community members to share Overlook news. This job can be done by multiple people, if they’ll coordinate. See past issues here: https://overlookneighborhood.org//news/

Please contact us at info@OverlookNeighborhood.org or come meet us at a meeting, the picnic, movie in the park or other OKNA event soon!


4) Seaport Celebration Registration Open!

Pre-registration is now open for THE event of the summer. On Saturday, August 16, the gates of Terminal 4 will open up to the general public for Seaport Celebration. Explore the working waterfront by welding with a professional welder, perusing the Industry & Art exhibition, taking a $10 jetboat ride or listening to the tunes of Recess Monkey. Admission and parking are free, so register today!

Seaport Celebration
Saturday, August 16
10 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Terminal 4
11040 N. Lombard Street
Portland, OR 97203
Event details


5) PSU Traffic and Transportation Course

A Portland State University course sponsored by the City of Portland Bureau of Transportation

Local traffic and transportation issues, transportation options, and how to get things done in your neighborhood are the focus of this well-respected, ten-week, university course.

Registration is now OPEN for fall 2014 class. 

Over 1,000 Portland residents have taken this popular class and learned how to negotiate the maze of traffic and transportation agencies and issues.  Here’s your chance to hear about how you can make a difference even in these times of budget cuts and shrinking gas tax revenue.  Speakers include policy and decision makers, planners, and engineers from TriMet, Metro, and PBOT.  The class is facilitated by Rick Gustafson, transportation planning consultant and former Metro executive officer.

What:    A 10-week course sponsored by PBOT and PSU’s Urban Studies Program
When:   Fall Term 2014, (10/2/14 – 12/4/14).  Thursday evenings, 6:40 – 8:40 pm. 
Where:  Portland State University Campus. (Two classes take place at Portland Building, check course outline for details) 
Who:     Designed for the neighborhood activist, new or experienced, who wants to make a difference in traffic and transportation issues in Portland.
Application Due:  September 1st, 2014.

MORE information at https://www.portlandoregon.gov/transportation/35727