OKNA Alerts

Happy Halloween! 2 things this week. Details are below.

1. Overlook House Halloween Party for ages 1-5 (Sun., 10/31)

2. Gently Used Paperbacks for Our Troops in Afghanistan and Iraq

1. Overlook House Halloween Party!

Sunday, October 31st, 4-6pm at the Overlook House

The party is a free event geared for Overlook kids ages 1-5. We will have trick or treat bags to decorate, games, music and snacks.

With all the new families in the neighborhood, please extend this to anyone who may not be on our list!

Hope to see you there!
We are setting up on Sunday at 10am if anyone wants to show up to help out!

2. Gently Used Paperbacks for Our Troops in Afghanistan and Iraq

By Warren Cassell
In the most recent Overlook Views newsletter (click thru to read the story) I posted a plea for, and information about, Operation Paperback, a non-partisan organization that coordinates efforts to send paperback books to our service people

overseas. Thus far, fou

r of our 3,000 Overlook families have generously donated books and postage to the cause. As an official volunteer for Operation Paperback I have dispatched their contributions to several APO's (Army Post Office Address)— for military units and individuals who had made requests to Operation Paperback. There are many more requests by our troops and I need your help in fulfilling their needs. Their favorite reading materials, in order of preference are:
Military fiction and non-fiction,
Science Fiction and Fantasy,
Comic Books,
Sports/Motorcycle/Automobile magazines,
Current Events/Political Affairs,
Biographies, History, Historical Fiction and current Fiction.

If you would like to downsize your libraries for a really good cause, here is your opportunity. It isn't too late to get your Overlook Neighborhood contributions to our service men and women overseas in time for the Holidays. I know they will appreciate it. Contact me at warrencassell@wcassell.com or 869-5023 for further information.

P.S. For additional information, the URL for Operation Paperback is: http://www.operationpaperback.org.
