Holiday Potluck Tonight! Reminder: You’re Invited!


Overlook Neighborhood Association Holiday Potluck Dinner Party (Fri., 12/10)

You're Invited!

OKNA Holiday Potluck Dinner Party
Please join your Overlook neighbors for a festive feast and holiday party!
Our traditional midwinter potluck dinner is scheduled for Friday, December 10, 6:00pm-8pm in lieu of our monthly General Meeting. Note the different night of the week!

The OKNA supplies drinks,

silverware, plates, and napkins. You should bring a potluck dish of your choice, everything is welcome. Please bring a serving spoon if your dish needs one.

The Holiday Potluck is at Daybreak Cohousing, 2525 N Killingsworth Street from 6:00pm-8pm. See you there!
FREE and an open invitation to all Overlook Neighborhood residents, students and businesspeople/workers.
