Overlook Neighborhood Update (Sept. 22)

1) New OKNA board elected

2) OKNA urges city council to support neighborhood associations

3) OKNA asks Air National Guard to end controversial landings

4) Greeley Avenue and the Swan Island bridge

5) Patton Square Park playground party

6) Help prevent local flooding by keeping street drains clear

1) New OKNA board elected

The Overlook Neighborhood Association held its annual meeting and elections last week. Members elected 15 board members to one-year terms. Thank you to everyone who ran for the board.

The new board members will take office at the Oct. 1 board meeting. They are (* indicates a returning board member):

  • Alan Crana*
  • Alexandra Degher*
  • Alexandra Penney
  • Brad Halverson*
  • Chris Trejbal*
  • Cynthia Sulaski*
  • George Spaulding*
  • John Parks
  • Julia Metz
  • Justin Roshak
  • Kristina Kern*
  • Marci Macfarlane
  • May Wallace
  • Peter Parks
  • Robert Morus

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