Overlook Neighborhood Update (9/6/21)

  1. OKNA Election Candidate Deadline 9/11
  2. Portland Harbor Collaborative Group Meeting 9/8
  3. OKNA Board Meeting Tuesday

OKNA Election Candidate Deadline 9/11

Reminder! September 11th is the last day to let the OKNA Chair, Alexandra, know that you are interested in running in this year’s board election.  You can email your interest to chair@overlookneighborhood.org. Thank you for all who joined our virtual meet and greet and trivia hour as a chance to ask questions about what it means to join the board. Here are some of the top questions:

  • What are the different board positions? For more information on board positions check out the OKNA: Roles and Responsibilities for Executive Board and Committee Chair Positions document, or you can read through our OKNA By-Laws.
  • How long do you serve? Each term is two years, but occasionally people have life circumstances that cause them to resign. In these cases, the board may fill the position with the new member serving the remaining term. In this year’s election we have six 2-year positions, and one 1-year position to fill.
  • What are my commitments if I serve on the board? The board is expected to attend two meetings each month – a board and a general meeting. The OKNA Board meeting is the first Tuesday of every month, and the OKNA General meeting is the third Tuesday of every month. Meeting are typically from 6:30- 8pm. Apart from these meetings you may lead a committee which would have outside commitments such as joining other city meetings, doing research, or meeting with community members and reporting back during the next board meeting.
  • What are the committees I could be involved in? The board has several committees that are more focused groups with individual Chairs who serve as leaders. Some of the committee options include Parks, Communications, Homeless Liaison, Public Safety, Grievance, Land Use and Development, Schools, Community Outreach, and more. If there is a particular area you are interested in please talk to the Chair to see if there is a committee that would be a good fit, or if we could make a new one.
  • Do I need to be on the board to serve? No. If you are unable to attend the monthly meetings, but still want to serve our community you can be a committee member under the chair of that committee as a volunteer. These volunteers often still join our board meetings to report back, but it is less of a commitment.

Portland Harbor Collaborative Group Meeting 9/8

Everyone is welcome to observe the third quarterly Portland Harbor Collaborative meeting via Triangle’s Zoom link on Wednesday, September 8! The core meeting will occur from 5-7pm Pacific, with optional sections for everyone (observers and members) between 4:30-5 pm and 7-8 pm. Please read below for information on how to attend this event (you do not need to submit an RSVP), a final agenda, and more!

Date: Wednesday, September 8, 2021 Meeting Time: 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Optional sections between 4:30 – 5:00 and 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. Location: *Online Only* Zoom Information: Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87360487468 Meeting ID: 873 6048 7468 Call-in: +1 253 215 8782


OKNA Board Meeting Tuesday

The Overlook Neighborhood Association will be holding their monthly Board Meeting this Tuesday, September 7th. All members of the public are welcome to join the call and can join by Zoom at this link, or email the Chair for alternative ways to join.

AGENDA – Tuesday, September 7, 2021
6:30-7:30 p.m.