Overlook Neighborhood Update (April 4, 2021)

  1. Schools Reopen
  2. Keeping Overlook Clean
  3. OKNA Board Meeting

1. Schools Reopen

As a reminder please remember that both Beach and Ivy Elementary Schools have begun more in person learning options, which means an increase to school motor and pedestrian traffic. As you are driving in the area please remember to keep an eye out for these changes and be aware of children on their way to/from school.

2. Keeping Overlook Clean

We are all getting frustrated with the copious amounts of trash throughout the city. In order to clean up Portland, the Mayor has created action tables:


But the job is large and the city is asking for your help. To help with trash in your neighborhood, you can adopt a block via Adopt One Block. They will send you all the supplies you need for free: https://www.adoptoneblock.org/how-this-works

SOLVE Portland (https://www.solveoregon.org) organizes larger-scale community clean-ups and the Overlook NA will be investigating a larger project for our neighborhood in the upcoming months as more people get vaccinated.


3. OKNA Board Meeting

The OKNA Board is meeting this coming Tuesday, April 6, 2021 at 6:30pm. Board meetings are open to the public. Please see the full agenda here.