Overlook Neighborhood Update (March 4)

1) March OKNA meeting (Tuesday, March 15)
2) Wanted: Editor for Overlook Views
3) Will Patton Park serve in an emergency? (Wednesday, March 9)
4) Portland Community Equality Act
5) Overlook House Eggstravaganza (Saturday, March 26)
6) CORRECTION: Multnomah County budget survey link

1) March OKNA meeting (Tuesday, March 15)

donationdriveThe March OKNA general meeting will focus on volunteer opportunities and ways residents can help from home. Meet the experts and learn about the barriers to opening shelter services and about the capacity of non-profits to assist the increasing homeless population in North Portland. Service organizations attending the meeting will include:

In order to kick things off, we will collect clothing and other donations for Transition Projects. Click on the image above for a list of items in high demand and other information.

OKNA General Meeting
Tuesday, March 15, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Kaiser Town Hall Building (3704 N Interstate Ave.)

2) Wanted: Editor for Overlook Views

OKNA seeks an editor to oversee publication of Overlook Views, our print newspaper distributed throughout the neighborhood. This is an excellent opportunity for someone with a sense for news to give back to the neighborhood and gain valuable experience as part of a news gathering and design team. Anyone interested should contact the OKNA board at info@overlookneighborhood.org.

Learn more about Overlook Views and read past issues on our website.

3) Will Patton Park serve in an emergency? (Wednesday, March 9)

Join the Overlook Neighborhood Emergency Team (NET) on Wednesday to explore Patton Park as a potential emergency staging area. Bring whatever gear you have as well as a flashlight and appropriate weather gear. No NET training is required, only interest. Meet at the southwest corner of Patton Park at the intersection of N Interstate Avenue and N Emerson Street.

Patton Park NET exploration
Wednesday, March 9, 6:30-8 p.m.
Patton Park

4) Portland Community Equality Act

One of the backers of the Portland Community Equality Act recently presented information about their proposed ballot initiative to the OKNA board. The initiative would change the form of city government. Currently city commissioners are elected at-large, i.e., citywide. If the initiative makes the ballot and voters approve it, council members would be elected from geographic districts.

Learn more at the PCEA website.

5) Overlook House Eggstravaganza (Saturday, March 26)

easter-154403_640The Easter Bunny will visit Overlook House early on March 26 for the annual Easter Egg Hunt. Be there at 10:30 a.m. sharp with basket in hand – the hunt will be over in less than five minutes! Discover thousands of eggs filled with treats, plus lots of other toys spread on the back lawns of Overlook House. Find one of the golden eggs and look inside for a special prize. This fun  event happens rain or shine and is presented free for neighborhood children by the Friends of Overlook House.

Easter Egg Hunt
Saturday, March 26, 10:30 a.m.
Overlook House(3839 N Melrose Dr.)

6) CORRECTION: Multnomah County budget survey link

Last week’s update included a faulty link to the Multnomah County budget survey. If you would like to help the county decide how to spend tax dollars, the correct link is https://multco.us/oci/2017-citizen-budget-survey.

We apologize for the error.