Tidbits From Facebook

p>For those of you without Facebook accounts, who might be wondering what goes on over there, here are a some posts from the past month that weren’t included in the weekly emails or this site.

You can ‘like’ us on Facebook and have these updates delivered to your feed: www.facebook.com/OKNAinPDX

Overlook Neighborhood PDX

Thanks to our neighbors at University Park & Portsmouth neighborhoods for sharing this document: A property inventory you can use at home to record some of your valuables. Wouldn't it be awful to have your laptop stolen, and you can't remember the serial number?

Print one out & stick it in your 'to-do' pile.


Overlook Neighborhood PDX

What a handy resource to have available to us!

North Portland Tool Library
The North Portland Tool Library (NPTL) is a community resource dedicated to building community and fostering sustainability by providing residents with tools and the power to use them. We loan a wide variety of tools to community members FREE of charge.


Neighbor Joelle posted:


Attunement Center VBC Potluck
Tuesday, March 6 at 6:00pm at Attunement Farm


Neighbor T Taylor posted:

we have a report of (3) deer on Going St (off of Interstate) stuck in a grassy area surrounded by traffic this morning. Anyone know the appropriate people to call in this situation? Is there anyone to call in this situation? Horrible if anything happened to the deer or to someone driving.


Overlook Neighborhood PDX:

Artists: keep an eye on the Pittman Art wall; they'll be calling for artist submissions soon for the Hydro Park in Overlook. Congratulations to the committee for winning a PDC grant for this installation!

Pittman Art


Overlook Neighborhood PDX

How about that? Overlook is now 'solidly hip'… thanks for being so dang cool, neighbors! 😀

Revisiting the Overlook neighborhood: Vintage homes, views joined by MAX, hotspots 

Overlook, one of Portland’s long-established neighborhoods, is solidly hip these days. While it never really experienced a decline in popularity, an influx of nearby cutting-edge restaurants and conveniences such as New Seasons Market have made homes in this close-in and close-knit community h…

Neighbor Jane posted:

Thank you, Overlook Neighborhood, for your part in getting the soggy, abandoned furniture removed from the empty lot at Prescott and Maryland!
