The Real Bonus Weekly OKNA Email

Dear Overlook, the email gremlins have got me good today; I apologize for the ‘Bonus!’ email (the content may not display for you).

We’ll try again:

New Group for All Overlook Business People (1/16)

Business owners are invited to the newly instituted Overlook Business Speakeasy. We will be gathering on a quarterly basis with the intent to build a strong local business network through social interaction. These meetings will be informal and fun, but will have an agenda focused on introducing new businesses and announcing new developments in established businesses. In addition to meeting other local companies and providing a platform to represent your company, attendees will get news about their businesses mentioned in the quarterly Overlook Views. The meetings will be held in a local eating/drinking establishment and there is no charge except for the food/drink you order.

The first meeting will be at Atomic Pizza on January 16, 2013 at 6:00pm.
RSVP at if you are planning to attend so that we can estimate the group size. Please invite all local businesses that you are in touch with, it is open to everyone with a business located in Overlook!


If you’ve got an item for the weekly OKNA emails, check this out!

To Send a Message to the OKNA Email List:

4 Easy Steps to Your Neighborhood Email List

1. Please send your submission to info@

2. Put in the Subject line: "Post to List (date)" where (date) is the Friday you’d like your message to appear.

3. Paste a plain text version of your message in the body of the email; pdf, jpg and other attachments can not be included and must be transcribed. Be sure to include the date, time and place (with address) of any gathering.

4. Please have your submission to us by the Thursday before you want your message to appear.