Overlook Neighborhood Update (Oct. 23)

1) Fall gardening tips
2) Civil conversation about the Greeley homeless camp


1) Fall gardening tips

Days and nights are getting colder. Is your yard ready for winter?

The Portland Water Bureau this week released a few tips to help people prepare their gardens and irrigation systems for the coming cold:

  • Compost your autumn leaves and other garden debris so you will have homemade mulch to add to your garden come spring.
  • Add waterwise plants to your garden now so that they can use this fall’s rainfall to start getting established. Get ideas from their Waterwise Plant Guide.
  • Remember to winterize your automatic sprinkler system and faucets. Taking time to winterize this fall will help to prevent broken pipes this winter and ensure that your system will function correctly when you set everything back up next spring.
  • Give your lawn a little TLC. Fall is a great time to give your lawn a little pick me up for next spring and summer. Here are some suggestions to get you started.


2) Civil conversation about the Greeley homeless camp

Tuesday’s Overlook Neighborhood Association general meeting featured a conversation about the homeless camp on Greeley Avenue. Neighborhood residents and campers both were in attendance sharing their thoughts. Read about the current state of things in this Portland Mercury story.