Overlook Neighborhood Update (Oct. 16)

1) Overlook Neighborhood Association Meeting (Oct. 20)
2) Family Halloween party at Overlook House (Oct. 31)
3) Mental health awareness training (Oct. 29)
4) No Ivy Day (Oct. 24)
5) STEM at Roosevelt High School (Oct. 21)


1) Overlook Neighborhood Association Meeting (Oct. 20)

Gather with your neighbors on Tuesday to discuss what’s happening in Overlook. Chad Stover, who is Mayor Charlie Hales’ livability project manager, will be on hand to discuss the homeless camp on N Greeley Ave. The Portland Mercury had a story this week about the camp that quoted OKNA Board Member Chris Trejbal.

Other items on the agenda include Portland Harbor cleanup and Pittman Hydro Park.

OKNA general meeting
Tuesday, Oct. 20, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Kaiser Town Hall (3704 N Interstate Ave.)


2) Family Halloween party at Overlook House (Oct. 31)

halloweenOverlook families with children ages 1 to 5 are invited to come and enjoy fun Halloween activities at Overlook House on Oct. 31. Wear your costume and dance under the disco ball, create crafts, play games and munch on healthy snacks.

Volunteers are always appreciated. Please contact Friends of Overlook House at OverlookHouseEvents@gmail.com if you can help setup or cleanup, supervise crafts, or bring treats.

The event is sponsored free by Friends of Overlook House.

Family Halloween Party
Saturday, Oct. 31, 4-6 p.m.
Overlook House (3839 N Melrose Dr.)


3) Mental health awareness training (Oct. 29)

Have you had an uncomfortable experience with someone in a mental health crisis? These can be difficult situations.  Learn more about how to respond in an effective compassionate way at an upcoming training session being run by North Portland Crime Prevention.

Topics include:

  • Basic information about signs and symptoms of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and major depression.
  • Best practices in communicating with individuals experiencing symptoms from these illnesses.
  • Differences and similarities between crisis induced by mental health illness and/or drugs and alcohol.
  • Resources for people experiencing a crisis.
  • Collaboration as a community to consistently address these issues.

For more information, contact Angie Russo, crime prevention coordinator at angie.russo@portlandoregon.gov.

Mental Health Awareness Training: Effective Communication Strategies and Resources
BES Water Pollution Lab, Bybee Room, (6543 N Burlington)
Thursday, Oct. 29, 7-9 p.m.


4) No Ivy Day (Oct. 24)

Portland Parks & Recreation’s City Nature division, the No Ivy League and volunteers across the region are proud to take part in the 12th annual No Ivy Day.  Volunteers will focus on removing this invasive species from Portland’s treasured parks and natural areas on Saturday, Oct. 24.

NoIvy2014During last year’s No Ivy Day, more than 300 volunteers removed more than 65,000 square feet of ivy, blackberry and clematis, planted and mulched nearly 400 trees and shrubs and built 50 feet of trail.  The hope is to accomplish even more this year.

All volunteers are invited to take part in a celebration after the citywide work parties featuring lunch, free T-shirts while they last and a chance to meet fellow ivy pullers.

Click here to learn how to join or host your own ivy removal work party and to learn more about invasive English ivy.

Ivy removal work parties run from 9 a.m. to noon. Gatherings for food and celebration follow at several locations.


5) STEM at Roosevelt High School (Oct. 21)

The OKNA Board recently voted to urge Portland Public Schools to create a full STEM program at Roosevelt High School in a refurbished auto shop space. The board sent a letter to PPS. (Read the letter.)

The PPS Board Bond Committee will meet on Wednesday, 4 to 6 p.m. at the PPS offices. This is the meeting at which the district’s report on what it would take to convert the auto shop for STEM will be presented. There will be limited time during the meeting for public comment. If you are interested in commenting, please attend.

PPS Board Bond Committee
Wednesday, Oct. 21, 4-6 p.m.
PPS Offices (501 N Dixon St.)