Overlook Neighborhood Update (Oct. 14)

1) Overlook Neighborhood Association general meeting (Oct. 17)
2) Earthquake practice (Oct. 16)
3) Apply for the Grievance Committee
4) Adidas update
5) Advise Portland on how to serve bicyclists

1) Overlook Neighborhood Association general meeting (Oct. 17)

Join your neighbors at the OKNA general meeting on Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. at Kaiser Town Hall. A representative of the mayor’s office will attend to share information about the future of the Hazelnut Grove homeless camp and answer questions. We’ll also discuss goals for the next 12 months and committee opportunities. View the full agenda.

OKNA general meeting
Tuesday, Oct. 17, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Kaiser Town Hall (3704 N Interstate Ave.)

2) Earthquake practice (Oct. 16)

A reminder that the Neighborhood Emergency Teams (NETs) in North and Northeast Portland will hold a deployment exercise to test community emergency plans on Monday 7-8:30 p.m. Everyone is invited to attend. Learn more here.

3) Apply for the Grievance Committee

OKNA will continue to take applications for the Grievance committee through Wednesday, Oct. 18. Send an email expressing interest to info@overlookneighborhood.org. You can learn more about this opportunity to help your neighborhood in this post.

4) Adidas update

A recent interview with Mark King, Adidas’ president of North American operations, discussed growth at the campus in Overlook. The company plans a major expansion that would allow it to increases its workforce from 1,700 to 2,800.

The story also noted that some neighbors of the campus had received unsolicited purchase offers for their homes.

OKNA Chair Chris Trejbal followed up with the company on these items.

On the question of buying homes, the company has no plans to expand beyond its current footprint. It is looking for a few residences in which it can house temporary workers and executives when they are in town, for example, when they are visiting from Germany. Adidas does not want to pressure anyone to sell, only to let people know the offer is there if they consider moving at some point.

On the broader question of the expansion, Adidas does not yet have firm plans for the design has not decided on where new buildings will go. Officials pledge to be as transparent as possible throughout the process and will share updates with the neighborhood as things materialize. Any assumptions or guesses about the expansion at this time are just that – assumptions and guesses.

“We plan on being the best neighbors we can be while we work through this expansion,” a company official said.

Adidas welcomes questions and comments at overlook@adidas.com.

The OKNA land use committee and the board will continue to monitor the situation so that everyone is kept informed about the expansion plans. We will pay special attention to whether permit applications filed with the city adequately address the parking needs of a growing campus. If you have any questions for the board, contact chair@overlookneighborhood.org.

In the meantime, Adidas is continuing to take steps to ease parking on neighborhood streets. A successful pilot project of offering company-funded Uber to employees will be expanded. Adidas also is discussing opportunities to lease some excess parking on Swan Island and shuttle employees up from there. Finally, Adidas remains on track to open their Montgomery Park offices in January. That will move 300 employees from the main campus.

5) Advise Portland on how to serve bicyclists

The city’s Bicycle Advisory Committee is recruiting new members. The BAC is a group of 13 Portland residents (and 7 alternate members) who advise the mayor, City Council, and all departments of the City on matters relating to bicyclists. It includes people from many backgrounds. Some members are transportation professionals. Others are people who ride bikes for fun, exercise or to get around.

The BAC reviews transportation projects, plans and proposals in the City of Portland. Its input is sought on funding priorities, public outreach, policy and planning issues that affect bicyclists. It is an advocate for all people and groups that ride bikes in Portland.

BAC members are appointed to serve three-year terms. The BAC meets once per month, 6-8 p.m. at City Hall. Applications are due by Nov. 3, 5 p.m.

Learn more about the BAC and apply online to serve on the committee (printable application).