Overlook Neighborhood update (May 8, 2015)

1) Overlook Bluff imperiled
2) Pembina propane project dead?


1) Overlook Bluff imperiled

Photo by Deborah Kalapsa
Photo by Deborah Kalapsa

Friends of Overlook Bluff are running out of time to save the heritage oak tree and open space on N Overlook Terrace. The owner of the property has put it up for sale, and if FOOB cannot raise enough money to buy it, a developer almost certainly will.  The price tag is $825,000, and FOOB has received pledges for just more than half of that. If you’d like to pledge your support, visit their website.

KGW has the full story.


2) Pembina propane project dead?

Portland Mayor Charlie Hales on Thursday announced that he had asked Pembina to withdraw its application its planned propane facility in North Portland. Experts are predicting that the project won’t go forward without Hales’ support.

The mayor cited the many letters and comments in opposition to the project that he had received. Overlook Neighborhood Association submitted its own letter to Hales and the rest of council raising concerns about the project. You can read the OKNA letter online.