Overlook Neighborhood Update (Jan. 12)

1) Overlook Neighborhood Association meeting (Jan. 16)
2) Land use training (Jan. 31)
3) Legislative town hall with Overlook’s state delegation (Feb. 1)
4) Metro’s Community Placemaking grants

1) Overlook Neighborhood Association meeting (Jan. 16)

The Overlook Neighborhood Association will hold its January general meeting on Tuesday. We’ll hear about development plans for 2054 N Killingsworth and 5833 N Maryland. We’ll also get an update on efforts to relocate the Hazelnut Grove homeless camp and changes at adidas. View the full agenda here.

OKNA General Meeting
Tuesday, Jan. 16, 6:30-8 p.m.
Kaiser Town Hall (3704 N Interstate Ave.)

2) Land use training (Jan. 31)

Do you want to learn about how development happens in Portland? What’s allowed and what isn’t? The Bureau of Planning and Sustainability and Bureau of Development Services will offer a three-hour workshop on the basics of land use planning on  Jan. 31 at the Historic Kenton Firehouse. This event is sponsored by North Portland Neighborhood Services, Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods, and Office of Neighborhood Involvement.

This comprehensive workshop will include:

  • State land use planning laws and the land use planning system in Oregon;
  • An overview of long-range planning, including the Comprehensive Plan and the public’s role;
  • An overview of the development review planning process;
  • An interactive exercise responding to a recent land use proposal in the community.

A light meal will be provided, and registration is limited to 45 people. Contact Mary at 503-823-4099, mary@npnscommunity.org with questions and to register.

Land use training
Wednesday, Jan. 31, 6-9 p.m.
Historic Kenton Firehouse (8105 N Brandon)

3) Legislative town hall with Overlook’s state delegation (Feb. 1)

North Portland’s delegation to Salem will hold a town hall on Thursday, Feb. 1. House Speaker Tina Kotek, Rep. Tawna Sanchez and Sen. Lew Frederick will preview the 2018 short session that starts in February. They will answer residents’ questions, and they want to hear what your priorities are.

Legislative Town Hall
Thursday, Feb. 1, 6:30-8 p.m.
PCC Cascade, Terrell Hall Auditorium (TH122) (Corner of N Kerby and N Jessup)

4) Metro’s Community Placemaking grants

Metro is accepting applications for its Community Placemaking grants program for 2018. Strong applications propose projects that involve community partnerships, strengthen social ties to one another and the places where we live, work and play, support leadership roles for people of color and use art as a tool for engagement and change.

A total of $160,000 is available for the 2018 grant cycle. The deadline to apply is noon on Feb. 2. Learn more.