Overlook Neighborhood Update (Feb. 27, 2015)

1) Pesticide-free in Overlook
2) Native plant workshop (March 5 and April 16)
3) TriMet community forum (March 3)


1) Pesticide-free in Overlook

KGW news featured Overlook Neighborhood this week in a story about the more than 400 people here who have pledged to forgo using pesticides. Mulysa Melco came up with the idea two years ago, and Overlook would be the first pesticide-free neighborhood in Portland if everyone gets on board. Learn more at the Pesticide-Free Overlook website.


2) Native plant workshop (March 5 and April 16)

Overlook residents have two great opportunities to learn about Native plants from experts this spring. East Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District will present two free workshops designed to explore the benefits of gardening with Native plants. The content will be the same, so choose the one that better fits your schedule.

Discover Portland’s most common Native plant communities, learn which species do well together and get tips to help them thrive. A slide show will highlight their unique features and desired growing conditions so gardeners can decide which plants will work best in their own yard.

Register online. Seats are filling fast.

Native plant workshop
Thursday, March 5, 6 – 8:30 p.m.
Trillium Charter School (5420 N Interstate Ave.)
Hosted by Trillium Charter School, Sustainable Overlook and Friends of Overlook Bluff

Native plant workshop
Thursday, April 16, 6 – 8:3- pm
Historic Overlook House (3839 N Melrose Drive)
Hosted by Friends of Overlook Bluff and Historic Overlook House


3) TriMet community forum (March 3)

TriMet invites North Portland residents to help plan future improvements to transit service in the community. Where do people want to go? How easy is it to get there? TriMet will use community feedback to identify short and long-term bus service improvements throughout the region.

TriMet community forum
Tuesday, March 3, 6 – 7:30 p.m.
North Portland Library (512 N Killingsworth St.)
Community Room, 2nd floor