Overlook Neighborhood Update (Feb. 16)

1) OKNA March General Meeting

2) Fruit tree pruning and care workshop

3) Sunday Parkways returns to Overlook

4) Adidas seeks temporary weekend construction hours extension

1) OKNA March General Meeting

Join your Overlook neighbors at the March Overlook Neighborhood Association General Meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 19, 6:30-8:20 p.m. at Kaiser Town Hall (3704 N Interstate Ave.). At the meeting we’ll hear from city transportation planners about the Willamette Boulevard Greenway, get an update on the apartment project at Interstate and Church, and discuss a noise variance for construction requested by adidas (see below).

View the full agenda.

2) Fruit tree pruning and care workshop

A reminder that Sustainable Overlook will host a fruit tree pruning and care workshop on Sunday, Feb. 17, noon-3. The class is at Beach School Gardens. Bring gloves and your favorite pruning tools, and dress for the weather.

Learn more here.

3) Sunday Parkways returns to Overlook

Sunday Parkways returns to North Portland and the Overlook Neighborhood in 2019 on June 30. Mark your calendar for this fun event that encourages people to walk and bicycle around our community. View the full route and learn more about all of the Sunday Parkway rides throughout the summer on the official website.

4) Adidas seeks temporary weekend construction hours extension

Adidas’ construction team has applied for city permission to allow loud construction noise Saturdays 5:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Sundays 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. for five weekends beginning Feb. 23. The announcement states that work will take place in those expanded hours on only four days, with a preference for Saturdays. Normal construction hours are 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Saturday and no loud construction on Sundays.

Any neighbors who wish to support or oppose this request can do so by emailing noise@portlandoregon.gov. The city will make a decision soon, so don’t delay. The OKNA board will decide whether to take an official stand on the variance at Tuesday’s general meeting.