1) Happy Holidays from OKNA
2) Holiday garbage and recycling pickup
3) OKNA Board Meeting
4) Arts Tax oversight committee recruiting
5) Six months of sun at Beach School
1) Happy Holidays from OKNA
The Overlook Neighborhood Association wishes all of our neighborhood residents a wonderful holiday season and a happy New Year. We thank everyone who helped make Overlook the city’s best neighborhood in 2016 and look forward to building on our success in 2017.
The weekly email will take next week off for the holidays. See you again the first week of January.
2) Holiday garbage and recycling pickup
When holidays fall on a Sunday, as Christmas and New Year’s do this year, there is no change to the pickup schedule. Please put your garbage and recycling out on your normal day.
If you’d like to receive a weekly email reminder about what to put out on the curb that week, sign up at the city’s collection website.
3) OKNA Board Meeting
The Overlook Neighborhood Association Board will meet on Tuesday, Jan. 3. The board will discuss plans for the new year, Overlook Views and more. Agenda.
OKNA Board Meeting
Tuesday, Jan. 3, 6:30-8 p.m.
Overlook House (3839 N Melrose Dr.)
4) Arts Tax oversight committee recruiting
The purpose of the Committee is to review the disbursements and outcomes of the Arts Education & Access Fund, oversee the measures of effectiveness of the funding, and report its findings annually to City Council. An interest in art, music, or dance is helpful but not necessary for membership. More important is an interest in monitoring Arts Tax expenditures and correlating them to the purpose of the Tax.
Committee members are appointed to two-year terms by the City of Portland. The Committee meets two to four times per year and sub-committees meet more often.
5) Six months of sun at Beach School
A pinhole camera mounted at Beach School for six months (solstice-to-solstice) tracked the path of the sun across the sky each day. The image captured the iconic water tower. We hope you enjoy it as the days start to grow longer.