Overlook Neighborhood Update (Dec. 12)

  1. Road Repaving Near Adidas

  2. Overlook Leaf Day 12/16

  3. Volunteers Needed To Distribute The Views

Road Repaving Near Adidas

A portion of Delaware and Sumner Street are scheduled for a road improvement project over the coming weeks. The first phase of the project will begin on 12/14 on Delaware Street and is expected to take approximately 2 weeks. The second phase on Sumner Street will begin on 1/4/2021 and will also take about 2 weeks to complete. If you live on either of these blocks please note that you will need to park on alternative streets while the project is underway. Construction times may be impacted by weather conditions, in which case residents would be updated. Sidewalks will remain open to the public at all times. For more information about the project, road closures, and garbage/recycling pick up click here.  

Overlook Leaf Day 12/16

Leaf Day has arrived for Overlook! If you live within the Overlook triangle be sure to get your leaves to the street by December 16th for FREE pick up by the city. Be sure to leave one foot of space between the curb and your leaf pile. IMPORTANT: All residents in this leaf district need to remove their vehicles the night before leaf day to avoid being towed! Because so many people are working from home instead of driving to work during leaf day, reach out to neighbors who might have extra driveway space or park outside the boundaries. 

Volunteers Needed To Distribute The Views

We are looking for volunteers to help with distributing our quarterly newsletter, The Views. Anyone who is interested in helping the neighborhood in this way can reach out to Alan Cranna.Â