Overlook Neighborhood Update (April 17)

1) Overlook’s Cynthia Sulaski named 2020 Parks Champion

2) OKNA cancellations

3) Support Overlook eateries with take-out and delivery

1) Overlook’s Cynthia Sulaski named 2020 Parks Champion

Congratulations to OKNA Board Member and Parks Chair Cynthia Sulaski for being named a 2020 U.S. Bank Parks Champion by the Portland Parks Foundation. The foundation named only two champions this year from 29 nominations.

The award includes a $1,500 grant that Cynthia can allocate to a project that enhances parks. She asked that the grant go to the Overlook Neighborhood Association specifically for the Summer Free for All Movies in Overlook Park expenses.

In announcing Cynthia’s award, the Parks Foundation noted:

Nominated for her volunteer work in North Portland including her work with Pittman Hydro Park, Patton Square Park, Overlook Park, and Friends of Trees to plant over 800 trees in North Portland, Cynthia is a problem solver who makes a difference for residents in and around Overlook as well as other areas in North Portland.

In addition to being an organizer for all things parks, she is also the first one to get her hands dirty whether it’s picking up trash or planting new trees. In addition to fundraising to build playgrounds, organizing park clean up days, planting trees and much, much more, she ensures that Movies in a Park in Overlook Park are kid-friendly and welcoming to all communities, year after year.

Play the video below to hear Cynthia talk about the importance of parks in our community.

2) OKNA cancellations

The following Overlook Neighborhood Association events and activities have been canceled in light of the COVID-19 outbreak:

OKNA April general meeting

The general meeting scheduled for Tuesday, April 21 has been canceled. The board considered holding a virtual meeting but concluded that with everyone on lockdown there was nothing really to present anyway. The next OKNA meeting, then, will be the May 5 board meeting. If Gov. Kate Brown has not eased social distancing and sheltering in place by then, it will be held via Zoom. An agenda will be included in the neighborhood update the weekend before.

Heritage tree dedication

Neighbors had planned to celebrate the dedication of Overlook’s newest heritage tree, the London planetree in the right of way on N Maryland Avenue between Skidmore and Mason streets, on Saturday, April 18. OKNA hopes to reschedule the event later this year.

Movie in Overlook Park

OKNA hosts an annual movie in the park in coordination with Portland Parks & Recreation. The popular Overlook Park event at the end of summer draws hundreds of neighbors and visitors to Overlook. Alas, PP&R has canceled all movies in the park this year and other Summer Free For All events.

Neighborhood cleanup

The annual spring neighborhood cleanup has been canceled. The city withdrew support for all spring cleanups during the current pandemic. OKNA will look into rescheduling for later in the year.

3) Support Overlook eateries with take-out and delivery

Many Overlook restaurants remain open for take-out and delivery. Support these local businesses during this tough time by ordering a meal. View an interactive map of all open places in Portland.