Overlook Neighborhood Update (April 11, 2021)

  1. Neighborhood Greenways – What are they?
  2. North Portland in Motion
  3. Spring Cleaning? Repair PDX Can Help
  4. COVID-19 Vaccines Open to All Oregonians 16+ April 19

  1. Neighborhood Greenways – What are they?

You may have seen signs around the neighborhoods that designate a street to be a Neighborhood Greenway, but what does that mean? Neighborhood Greenways can be found all over town and are low-traffic and low-speed streets that give priority to pedestrians and bicyclists. So as the weather warms up please remember to avoid driving through greenway areas, or if you must please slow down and stay aware.

For Overlook residents our closest greenways are N Concord Ave, N Willamette Blvd, and N Michigan Ave. To check out greenways outside of Overlook visit Portlandbikemap.com.


2. North Portland in Motion

North Portland in Motion is an upcoming planning effort to identify transportation needs and near-term investments to improve access to community destinations and support walking, biking, and transit use in the North Portland peninsula. The planning project is roughly two and a half years starting in January 2021 and running through spring of 2023. During that time PBOT will engage with North Portlanders to understand the transportation needs in this area and identify investment strategy for upcoming projects. Click for more information about the project details. If you are interested, click here to sign up for email updates.





3. Spring Cleaning? Repair PDX Can Help

Repair PDX is a local volunteer led organization dedicated to helping Portlanders find new life in their belongings through repair. They offer classes on how to repair specific items, and they will help connect you with local repair businesses if your item needs more help than you are personally able to give it. On April 22nd they are offering a free bike tire repair workshop, and on the 24th they are participating in the ReClaim It Reuse and Repair Fair.


4. COVID-19 Vaccines Open to All Oregonians 16+ April 19

In a press release earlier this month Governor Brown announced the timeline for vaccines being available to Oregonians 16+ is moving up a few weeks to April 19. As cases continue to rise in the area we encourage everyone to continue taking steps to prevent the spread of the virus including washing your hands often, and wearing a mask while out in public. Click here to find info on how to find a vaccine and set an appointment.