OKNA Tree Planting Time Nears

Plant Trees with your Neighbors!

Garrett Phillips and Erika Reiber, Overlook Tree Planting Coordinators

Hi everybody. Overlook’s community tree planting day is coming right up. Over 80 people from the neighborhood have signed up to get heavily discounted trees in their yards or sidewalk planting strips on Saturday morning January 29th. We have a great forest in Overlook, but there is plenty of room left in front of your houses and in your yards for more big, good looking, shade-giving, storm-water managing, air pollution cleaning trees.

On January 29th Friends of Trees will dig holes for all of the trees and then we as a neighborhood will plant them. Regardless of whether or not you are ordering trees, you can come out on planting day to get to know your neighbors while putting trees in the ground and while enjoying lunch provided by fantastic neighborhood cooks. It will be a busy and fun morning beginning with a short gathering at

Kaiser Town Hall. You can probably be on your way by 12:30 or 1pm. Bring your friends, your kids, and other family. On planting day we will organize groups so that you can plant the trees you ordered and so that you will be with your more immediate neighbors.

If you want help, have questions, or don’t want to use the internet, call Garrett at 503.422.5070.

Call Garrett if you want to help plant trees, provide some part of lunch, or help greet and organize folks when they arrive. Also, we need pickup truck and trailer owners to drive trees from Kaiser Town Hall to their new homes. Call Garrett if you are interested in doing any of these things. We can’t wait to see you on planting day!

One final note; Garrett is a renter and will probably have to leave the neighborhood this Spring, so we are looking for someone to step up to the plate and work with Erika to organize the 2012 planting. Coming out for this year’s event would be a great opportunity to see how it works. See you soon!
