OKNA Overlook Neighborhood Email 1/17/14

1) Businesses Open During Construction (for another month!)
2) OKNA/ Neighborhood Association General Meeting (1/21)
3) Friends of Trees Neighborhood Planting and Mulching Day (1/25)
4) Overlook Streetwalkers Are Soliciting
5) “Artemis” Letters Around
6) Resolutions Northwest Workshops

1) Businesses Open During Construction (for another month!)

This message came today on the Overlook Sewer Construction mailer.. Please remember to support our neighborhood businesses through this ongoing construction, especially near the Killingsworth and Greeley intersection.

“Please remember that businesses within construction zones are OPEN. If you are traveling to a business within the construction zone, you may encounter orange signs and barricades reading ROAD CLOSED TO Thru Traffic – Local Access Only. The intention is to reduce overall traffic going through the area while construction is underway. However, all persons residing in or conducting business within the construction zone will be allowed access.”

This week’s sewer construction update is available at https://www.portlandoregon.gov/bes/index.cfm?&a=394257

2) OKNA/ Neighborhood Association General Meeting (1/21)

Join your neighbors for the monthly neighborhood meeting! We’ll be hearing from Siobhan McGowan of Neighborhood House about a new shelter for homeless families in North Portland, and from the project architect for a new mixed-use development at 2730 N. Killingsworth (currently North Station Cart Pod).

We’ll also have reports and discussion about some of OKNA’s upcoming activities and hope to hear from you too!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014
7:00 -9:00 pm
Kaiser Town Hall, 3704 N Interstate Avenue @ Overlook Blvd.

3) Friends of Trees Neighborhood Planting and Mulching Day (1/25)

The Arbor Lodge and Overlook Neighborhood Planting is coming up next Saturday, January 25. Recipients of new trees will of course participate but even if you are already treed-up, you can join in in a number of ways! Feel free to just show up, or contact the organizers about a specific job.

When Sat, January 25, 8:45am – 1:00pm
Where Peace Lutheran Church, 2201 N Rosa Parks Way, Portland, OR (map)

Join us in planting trees as a volunteer or tree purchaser! Please arrive by 8:45am to enjoy some hot coffee and breakfast treats. The planting starts promptly at 9:00am. We provide gloves and tools, so all you need to do is show up dressed for the weather and wearing sturdy shoes. Our neighborhood volunteers will also provide a potluck lunch for all volunteers after the planting is complete. Please contact Andy or Jenny at (503) 595-0213 if you have any questions or need more information. We look forward to seeing you out there!

AND, if you want to do something a bit different, meet your neighbors at 9:00 am in the parking lot of Interstate Flooring, 4075 N Interstate and look for the big pile of MULCH.

A gang of mulch slingers will go out to nourish our existing street trees and we’re looking for help! Drop in and offer as much as you’re able.

If you have a pickup truck or know you’ll be joining us, please email OKNA and let us know: info @ OverlookNeighborhood.org

Tree Planting Day is a GREAT way to get involved with your neighborhood.. it’s the gateway activity!

4) Overlook Streetwalkers Are Soliciting

This is a New Year’s call for anyone wanting to join an evening walking group. Several of us meet at the Sycamore trees on the triangle between the end of Shaver, the end of Castle, and North Overlook Blvd. at 5:00 every weekday afternoon. We walk anywhere from a half hour to an hour, getting good exercise and checking out the views from Mock Crest, Overlook Terrace, Melrose Place and the like. If interested, please call or e-mail Joyce Lackie, 503-287-4109, jclacki@comcast.net. We’d love to have you join us.

5) “Artemis” Letters Around

Has anyone in Overlook received one of the ‘Artemis of the Wildland’ letters? Anti-Merkley ones have been reported in nearby neighborhoods.
If you DO receive one, please report it to the police, they are interested. Notes from the same author have been considered hate speech as they targeted the disabled and food stamp recipients.


6) Resolutions Northwest Workshops

Oppression and Microaggressions: Concepts, skills, dialogue…and beyond

There’s a lot of talk about oppression and microaggressions these days. You hear it in the news; you hear it in different circles across the city and beyond. What do these concepts really mean? How do they affect you? How do they affect the community you live in?

If these topics are new to you, this workshop is a great way to ground yourself in what they are and get some practice talking about them. And if you are already experienced, it’s an opportunity to refocus your equity lens and enjoy a rich dialogue.

For more information or to register: www.resolutionsnorthwest.org/events Or call Susan at 503-595-4890

Date: Friday, January 31, 2014, from 1pm – 5pm
Location: Resolutions Northwest, 1827 NE 44th Avenue, Suite 300, Portland, Oregon 97213

We have free parking for cars and bikes, and we’re close to transit.

The fee for this workshop is $100. We ask you to pay what you are able.

Special note: This is a great foundation for our Interrupting Racism for Everyday Living Actionshop, which is offered the following week on February 7!

Also coming soon at Resolutions Northwest:

Basic Mediation Training, January 15-25

Your Life on Purpose: Let your core values kick-start your action plan, February 21-22

Advanced Mediation Training: Race and mediation Actionshop, April 10