OKNA Overlook Neighborhood Email 05/23/14

Boil, boil!

In case you missed the news today, Portland is under a boil water order. You should not drink your tapwater without boiling or treating it, due to an e. coli contamination of a reservoir.

News from the Water Bureau: http://www.portlandoregon.gov/water/boil/
Sign up for FlashAlerts so you are notified next time (and for other emergencies): http://www.publicalerts.org/signup
hilarity on Twitter at #pdxboil: https://twitter.com/hashtag/pdxboil

Find OKNA on Facebook: www.facebook.com/OKNAinPDX Please message if you would like to be an OKNA Facebook Reporter!

Now, your neighborhood-ish news

1) Get ready for the Intersection Repair Party! (5/31)
2) More Village Building in Overlook (5/24-5/31)
3) Street Fee Now Called TUF
4) Tickets for Parking the ‘Wrong Way’ are $50
5) Beach School Community Fundraiser (5/30)
6) A Healthier Neighborhood for All!
7) Sidewalk Cafe Notification (deadline 6/6)
8) OKNA Meeting Land Use Resource Recap
9) New Neighborhood Farmers Market
10) North Portland PSAC This Week (5/28)


1) Get ready for the Intersection Repair Party! (5/31)

Join neighbors next Saturday 5/31 for street mural and planter box repainting, food, drinks and fun at the intersection as part of the Village Building Convergence (VBC). Email sustainable@overlookneighborhood.org if you would like to play music, have an idea for a booth, kid’s activity, or anything else you think will add to the day! Neighbor Ken is bringing Kenny & Zuke’s famous pastrami, and we’re asking neighbors to bring a veggie dish to share. Our awesome Engine 24 Firefighting crew will have rinsed the intersection, so we’ll get right to the painting! Bring a paintbrush if you can. Come early, stay late – we’re going to have a good time… Join us!

Saturday, May 31, 2014, 9 am to 4 pm
N. Concord Ave. and N. Failing St. 97227


2) More Village Building in Overlook (5/24-5/31)

The Attunement Center has several days of activities planned as a part of the VBC (Village Building Convergence, May 23 – June 1, www.cityrepair.org)

We will be starting every day at 11am and ending at 5pm. Specific workshop offerings are listed below with times! Lunch will be served at 1pm and is being generously sponsored by Cha Cha Cha Taqueria!
Details here: https://www.facebook.com/events/772415972803107

Site Description:
Attunement Center is an urban permaculture homestead guesthaus that hosts sustainably minded travelers with the intention of inspiring guests to take home new ideas and living practices from their experience here. The landscape is all edible and medicinal, complete with a flock of eleven chickens and colony of honey bees.
We are bringing the community together over topics of sustainability providing a central neighborhood learning site by creating a space to get hands on experience gardening with perennials, medicinals, mycelium, chickens, bees, worms, composting, sheet mulching, natural building, water management, permaculture and food preservation. Come by and experience the last two years VBC projects; chicken coop/ greenhouse bio-shelter with eco roof utilizing salvage materials + natural building, hugelkultured food forest mandala garden, and flow form pond incorporating edible plants for filtration.
This year’s main project will be to break ground on the off-grid outdoor community kitchen patio, with the hopes of building a wood fired barrel cob oven later this summer! We will be building a few off-grid kitchen elements utilizing appropriate technologies including an herb drying rack, solar oven, evaporative cooling refrigeration device (pot in pot) and grey water re-use sink. There will be an awesome solar dehydrator on hand designed by Jenny Pell to check out and potentially utilize as well (if the weather permits!). In the garden we will build an insect habitat hotel to bring more beneficial insects into the space.

Attunement Center
Address: 1732 N. Blandena St.
Contact: Joelle Budinich guesthaus@attunementcenter.com
503.548.8250 (text only!)

3) Street Fee Now Called TUF

Portland Mayor Charlie Hales, Commissioner Steve Novick and Transportation Director Leah Treat proposed a Transportation User Fee today to help address longstanding street maintenance and safety needs.

This news has been quite controversial and has drawn comment from businesspeople and individuals. The fee is estimated to be +$140/year per household.

Find a round up of information at the Oregonian: http://www.oregonlive.com/portland/index.ssf/2014/05/portland_street_fee_would_cost.html or your favorite news site and contact your commissioners if you feel so moved.

Drop them a note or give them a call:
Portland City Council Members
Mayor Charlie Hales
(503) 823-4120
Commissioner Amanda Fritz
Phone: (503) 823-3008
Commissioner Steve Novick
Commissioner Dan Saltzman
(503) 823-4151
Commissioner Nick Fish
(503) 823-3589


4) Tickets for Parking the ‘Wrong Way’ are $50

Word on the social media sites is that Overlook neighbors have been receiving parking tickets for parking the wrong direction on the street. While we’ve all seen someone who does this, it’s actually not allowed and the $50 fine might be painful for you. And yes, this is a real thing:

16.20.110 Generally.
B. No person may park or stop a vehicle other than in the direction of traffic.


5) Beach School Community Fundraiser (5/30)

Beach School PTA Community Auction is a week away – May 30th at 5:30 pm. We have lots of awesome items procured from very generous neighborhood businesses! If you have preschool children and want to check out Beach, this is a great opportunity. Check out the details on this poster; there are some great items available and the ‘auction’ is in ‘buy it now’ format! http://tinyurl.com/qb2pge4


6) A Healthier Neighborhood for All!

Next month the Pesticide Free Overlook project will hit the one year mark. Help us get 500 pesticide-free yards by June 30! We have 170 to go.

– Take the Healthy Lawn and Garden pledge at: http://sustainableoverlook.org/pesticide-free-overlook/

– Hang your Lady bug sign where people will see it.

– Ask 2 neighbors (or your whole block) to sign up. It’s free, and it’s the right thing to do for our kids, pets, water and planet. Plus you’ll get coupons from Metro, a cute lady bug yard sign and lots of natural gardening info.

Get involved! Email: sustainable@overlookneighborhood.org


7) Sidewalk Cafe Notification (deadline 6/6)

RE: Alibi Restaurant, 4024 N Interstate
The business listed above currently has a Full On-Premises Liquor License. They are now applying for permission to extend their privileges to a Sidewalk Cafe, containing 4 tables, directly in front of the restaurant. The hours of outdoor operation would be 11 AM to 8 PM, seven days per week.
If you wish to provide the Commission with factual information concerning whether there is a basis to grant or deny this license under the OLCC’s licensing standards, please write me at the following address:
Eric Hildebrand, License Investigator
P.O. Box 22297
Milwaukie, OR 97269-2297
If you have any questions, please call me at (503) 872-5197.  Please respond to this letter within 14 days of this letter’s date so that we can process this application in a timely manner.  We will share your information with the applicant, make it a part of the public record and consider it when making a final decision.


8) OKNA Meeting Land Use Resource Recap

Thank you to all who attended the monthly OKNA meeting this past Tuesday 5/20. Based on the spirited discussion, it sounds like several people are interested in learning about land use rules and zoning in North Portland and may be interested in representing Overlook’s interests on the Land Use Committee. As promised, here are some upcoming workshops, trainings and informational forums where you can learn more. You can also contact the OKNA board at info@OverlookNeighborhood.org to connect with the Land Use Chair or ask questions.

If you missed this meeting, plan on attending future meetings on the third Tuesday of the month Join your neighbors to catch up on the latest happenings in Overlook and find out how you can get involved.

“ABC’s of Land Use” Workshop
Thursday, June 5, 2014

5:30 p.m. – gather and eat
6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. — workshop

North Portland Neighborhood Services
Historic Kenton Fire House
8105 N. Brandon Ave.
Portland, OR 97217

Learn the basics of how the City of Portland’s land use and development review processes work. Get hands-on experience with a land use review case study, including review of a development proposal and site plan, identification of relevant issues, and effective ways to respond to the approval criteria.

Introduction by Meegan Watts, chair of the Kenton Neighborhood Association and Mary Jaron Kelley, North Portland Neighborhood Services. Presented by John Cole and Leslie Lum, Bureau of Planning and Sustainability, and Paul Leistner, Office of Neighborhood Involvement.

Dinner and Refreshments will be provided. Workshop is free. Pre-registration is required. Space is limited to 30 people. REGISTER ONLINE (CLICK HERE)

Who should attend:
– Neighborhood and Business Association land use activists
– Anyone thinking about getting more active with their Association’s land use committees
– Anyone interested in general City-related land use decision-making processes

What you will learn:
– What does it mean to be a neighborhood land use chairperson?
– Overview of the State, Metro, and City land use planning framework
– The Planning Bureau’s District Liaison Program
– The Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code
– How to access and read Zoning Maps
– What is a Land Use Review and how it differs from a building permit
– Comparison of the Land Review Processes: Type I, II, IIX, and III
– How to read and respond to a Land Use Review Notice
– Perspectives of an experienced Neighborhood Representative
– The Appeal Process

For more information, or for help registering, please contact:
Mary Jaron Kelley at 503-823-4099 or mary@npnscommunity.org; or
Paul Leistner at 503-823-5284 or paul.leistner@portlandoregon.gov .

Co-Sponsored by: North Portland Neighborhood Services, City of Portland Office of Neighborhood Involvement, and City of Portland Bureau of Planning and Sustainability.


What is driving demolition, residential infill and housing affordability in Portland Neighborhoods? Connect with neighbors, City bureau staff, housing advocates and home builders on these issues on Thursday, June 11, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Concordia University. More details at http://conta.cc/1lH6ugf

Serve on the BDS citizen Adjustment Committee

The Bureau of Development Services has announced a search for interested citizens to fill two vacancies on the City of Portland Adjustment Committee.

The Adjustment Committee considers in a public hearing setting appeals of Type II Adjustment decisions rendered by Bureau of Development Services staff. Adjustments are requests to modify the development standards of the Portland Zoning Code (Title 33). The Adjustment Committee meets the first and third Tuesdays of each month, if necessary, during normal business hours. Each meeting typically lasts approximately 2 to 3 hours.

Committee members serve four-year terms and may be re-appointed. The terms shall be a maximum of four years with a maximum of two full terms. The Committee consists of seven members, none of whom may hold public elective office. The Committee must include three persons representing the public at large; two members in urban design, architecture, or landscape architecture; and two members experienced in engineering, financing, construction, building management or land development.

For more information about the Adjustment Committee, you may contact Douglas Hardy with Bureau of Development Services at 503-823-7816, or Douglas.Hardy@portlandoregon.gov.


9) New Neighborhood Farmers Market:
Mississipi Farmers Market Opening June 12th

We are excited to announce the opening of the Mississippi Farmers Market, located in the Historic Mississippi District in North Portland. Our market features small Portland businesses with a commitment to organic and sustainable practices.
Vendors include local farms, flower growers, fresh bread, artisanal cheeses, apothecary items, home made baby food, fresh tamales and so much more.

Dates: June 12th – October 16th
Time: 3pm-7pm
Location: Lot 13 on the corner of N Shaver and N Mississippi
Website: MississippiFarmersMarketPDX.tumblr.com

10) North Portland PSAC This Week (5/28)

Join North Portland neighbors, law enforcement, city personnel and others who can help you with your public safety and crime prevention efforts. Fourth Wednesday of every month at the Kenton Firehouse. Free pizza!

Date: Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Time: 7:00 – 9:00 PM
Location: Historic Kenton Firehouse (2209 N Schofield – across from the post office)