OKNA Email for September 9

Lots this week. As always, details are below. Enjoy summer!

Break-ins and car thefts: I didn't have a chance to get any official info together, but there have been reports of break-ins and car thefts recently. Remember to keep your doors locked and windows secure on these hot days and report any and all incidents (the Police non-emergency number is 503-823-3333).

1. Learn about your neighborhood: neighborhood walks (9/10 and 9/28)

2. Overlook Park Enhancement Survey

3. Overlook Neighborhood Recycling Event (Sat., 9/17)

4. Overlook House Story Hour (Mondays, 4-5:00)

5. Interstate/Alberta intersection work

6. Neighborhood Grants Workshop (9/27)

7. Arts on the Peninsula seeks artists


1. Learn about your neighborhood: neighborhood walks (9/10 and 9/28)

A Ten Toe Express Walk hosted by Portland Bureau of Transportation (9/10)

10 am Saturday September 10: Going to the River
Meet at N Prescott MAX station.
Walk from Overlook neighborhood to Swan Island, explore scenic viewpoints of the working Willamette River and hear the history of Portland's harbor and shipbuilding industry.

The ever-popular Overlook Walk (9/28)
Meet at Overlook Park shelter, west side of N Interstate & Fremont
Starting at Overlook Park, we'll explore some of the nooks and crannies in this charming neighborhood, as we hear interesting anecdotes from a local resident. Total Distance: 2.5 miles


2. Overlook Park Enhancement Survey

Your input on enhancements to Overlook Park is needed.  Please take a few minutes to complete this Portland Parks and Recreation survey to help PDC, PP&R and the Interstate Corridor Urban Renewal Advisory Committee determine which needs at Overlook Park should be addressed and funded in the next year.  The deadline is September 21.


3. Overlook Neighborhood Recycling Event (Sat., 9/17)

“Don't forget to save your rigid plastics, plastic bags and plastic bottles with necks AND wine corks for the Overlook Neighborhood Recycling Event on Saturday, September 17, from 11-3 at the Kaiser West Interstate parking lot. For more information,  check out our website at https://sites.google.com/site/overlooksustainability/events-1/plastic-roundupWe still need volunteers for two-hour shifts, so contact us at onest@ OverlookNeighborhood.org if you can help. Happy c

ollecting and recycling!”


4. Overlook House Story Hour (Mondays, 4-5:00)

The Storyteller. Free story hour in the basement room of the Overlook House, 3839 N. Melrose drive, every Monday Afternoon from 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Stories told in the oral tradition based on Native American legends and myths handed down for generations and crafted for children of all ages.


5. Interstate/Alberta intersection work

Just an FYI that the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) will be doing intersection safety work (bike boxes and crosswalk visibility) at Interstate and Alberta.


6. Neighborhood Grants Workshop (9/27)

NPNS Neighborhood Grants Workshop: Helpful Tips for Submitting an NPNS Grant Proposal!

How can I get help with my pre-application form? NPNS now has a new process for grant applications, the pre-application.

You are encouraged to attend the free North Portland Neighborhood Services grant writing workshop:

September 27th at 7 p.m. at the Historic Kenton Firehouse, 8105 N. Brandon St.

You will learn about grant writing, the pre-application and selection process, meet committee members, learn about other projects seeking grant funding for possible collaboration, and how to get individual help with your grant.

Grant Application Deadline: Tuesday, Nov. 1, 2PM


7. Arts on the Peninsula seeks artists

Want to draw? In public?

Arts on the Peninsula seeks artists (16 and over) for Drawing It Down 2, the second of a three-part series of community/fundraising events.

Donate your time……Draw for 45 minutes, all-ages public pays to watch. All materials provided, drawings to be sold at flat-rate post-drawing session.

3 time slots: 2-2:45, 3:30-4:15, 5:00-5:45. You are welcome to draw in more than one of these slots.

NB: While AsoP-organized, these events are collaborations between local schools/students, non-profit agencies and Peninsula-based business, and will provide internships and training in Arts Events Organization. DID2 is in collaboration with the St. Johns Neighborhood Association.

For more information on AsoP DID2 and to be considered, please submit: the following to Buff Medb Neretin, ED – Arts on the Peninsula – artsonthepeninsula@gmail.com

Two jpg images of your work, 800 dpi max



Phone Number

URL – if you have one

Which time slot works best for you.

2-2:45 . 3:30-4:15 . 5-5:45

NB: Please, do not submit nudes, gang-, drug- or sex-related images.

Deadline: September 15th, 2011
