OKNA email digest 7/8/2011

Hello Overlook! Here are a few items for you to consider this week:

1) O•Nest (Overlook Neighborhood Sustainability Team) Film & Food #4 (Mon 7/18)

2) Overlook Neighborhood Yard Sale & Free Share (Sat/Sun 7/16 & 7/17)

3) Overlook Livability Team Clean Up (Sun 7/10)

4) OKNA General Meeting (7/19)


1) O•Nest (Overlook Neighborhood Sustainability Team) Film & Food #4 (Mon 7/18)

Join O•Nest (Overlook Neighborhood Sustainability Team) for Film & Food #4, Mon. July 18, 6-8pm.
Our theme for July is Water,  and we'll screen Flow: For Love of Water, the award-winning documentary on what experts label the most important political and environmental issue of the 21st Century – The World Water Crisis.

Daybreak Cohousing, 2525 N. Killingsworth, Community House

We'll start at 6pm with a delicious potluck dinner with good neighborhood folks, screen the inspiring movie from 6:30-7:45, and finish the evening with our Seed & Plant Swap.  You may attend without seeds or plants, be welcome.

Don't Miss It!


2) Overlook Neighborhood Yard Sale & Free Share (Sat/Sun 7/16 & 7/17)

Don't Forget! The Overlook Neighborhood Yard Sale and Free Share – July 16 & 17!

Join our neighborhood-wide Yard Sale on Sat

urday. Then, leave anything you’re willing to give away on your front yard or parking strip – clearly marked for Free Share  – and neighbors will  find what they need or want on Sunday, for free!  
Note: all items need to be off the parking strip by the first thing Monday.  Willamette Week has an article in last week's issue about 'dumping', and the fines for dumping – read all about it!

Please let us know by Sunday, July 10 if you’ll be having a sale so we can put your location on the map!  Send an email with 'Overlook Yard Sale' in the subject line and your address to: onest@overlookneighborhood.org

Saturday, Sell It… Sunday, Share It!


3) Overlook Livability Team Clean Up (Sun 7/10)

The OLT/Overlook Livability Team meets for its monthly clean up this Sunday, July 10.

Join your neighbors for socializing and keep Overlook tidy. We clean up graffiti tags and litter and more hands are always welcome.

Cleanup this Sunday, July 10 – Join us at 9am at DiPrima Dolci, 1936 North Killingsworth Street

Contact David Chott with questions and to arrange training:  graffiti@OverlookNeighborhood.org


4) OKNA General Meeting (7/19)

OKNA's General Membership Meeting is Tuesday July 19 at 7 pm. Join us at Kaiser Town Hall, 3704 N Interstate Ave (at N Overlook Blvd)
