Neighborhood Clean Up on Earth Day

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North Portland Neighborhood Cleanups – Spring 2012

Spring is right around the corner and that means spring cleaning may be taking place in your home, basement or garage. There are 13 neighborhood cleanups scheduled throughout North Portland during the spring months. Volunteers from Neighborhood Associations coordinate these events.

This year, 6 cleanups in North Portland will incorporate on-site reuse options, allowing neighbors to take, swap or buy items immediately. This allows one person’s trash to become another person’s treasure. Reusing items is better for the climate because the embodied energy, and associated carbon emissions, from the original production and transportation of that item is preserved rather than being lost through disposal or recycling.

Following are details of the upcoming 2012 North Portland Neighborhood Cleanup for the Overlook Neighborhood. The Clean Up is sponsored by OKNA, North Portland Neighborhood Services, the City of Portland Bureau of Planning & Sustainability, and Metro Regional Services.

Please spread the word to your neighbors and volunteer for your local cleanup. Together we’ll help keep our neighborhoods clean and safe!

North Portland Neighborhood Services

Saturday April 21st

Neighborhood: Overlook Location:  Pittman HydroPark & N Going Overpass at Concord

Time:  10am-1pm Fee:  No fee

Materials Accepted:  No public drop, primarily litter/bulk waste pickup

Contact:  Alan Cranna l 503-285-7944 l


Please look for the July Overlook Neighborhood Yard Sale & Free Share, pulled together by ONeST, the Overlook Sustainability Team. You’ll have an opportunity then to swap or give away items you no longer need.