Metro ‘Nature in Neighborhood’ grants open soon

If there is a neighborhood project you are interested in pursuing, check out this $$ opportunity from Metro, your regional government. If you’d like to find someone to partner with, contact OKNA and maybe we know of someone else.

Metro Nature in Neighborhood grants (workshop 11/13, due 1/18)
A message from Rod Park, Metro Councilor, District 1…

Dear neighbor:

The liveliest cities and neighborhoods don't happen by accident. We all have the ability to shape our communities through vision and leadership – but it also takes investment. Sometimes a little money is all that stands in the way of turning a good idea into a great project.

Does your favorite natural area need a little love?

Does your school need money for trips into nature?

Do you have an idea that will help local rivers and streams?

Metro's Nature in Neighborhoods restoration and enhancement grants connect people to their neighborhoods, natural areas, backyards and beyond. We look for thoughtful projects that help strengthen the community, involve residents and deliver results. Proposals are accepted from nonprofits, or from an individual, business or group that has an agreement with a nonprofit fiscal agent. A pre-application is the first step. The deadline to submit a pre-application is 4 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 18, 2011. Funding requests can range from $5,000 to $25,000 for hands-on activities and environmental education programs that protect and contribute to watershed

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s in Clackamas, Multnomah and Washington counties. Visit Metro's website and review the program information packet for more details:

New this year is the introduction of planning and project development grants. These grants are for organizations and community groups that need support developing partnerships to tackle bigger projects or that lack the financial and technical resources to develop proposals beyond the conceptual or master plan phase. Planning and project development requests can range from $5,000 to $15,000. Up to $30,000 total will be awarded for these proposals this year.

Don't let the fear of grant writing be an obstacle. If you need help with your application, attend Metro's free grant-writing workshop geared for first-time applicants. The two-hour session begins at 9 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 13 and will include practical advice, examples of successful projects, time to network with others and much more. Contact Metro for workshop details and to reserve your place by calling 503-797-1834 or e-mailing

This is your opportunity to bring a little more nature into YOUR neighborhood!

Rod Park
Metro Councilor, District 1
