Intersection Repair – Part of the Village Building Convergence (VBC)

‘Overlook Feng Shui’, a street graphic with meaning

Overlook neighbors will be joined by a cast of thousands when the Village Building Convergence hits Portland May 25 – June 3, 2012! This year’s theme, Roots of Regeneration, is evident

in the street graphic design created by Overlook neighbors.

(click to enlarge the image)OverlookFengShui 

Please join us for this community building event with a purpose; to make our large and unwieldy intersection into a thing of beauty that is safer than it is today. On Saturday, June 2, we’ll start at 9:00 am to fill in our ‘paint by numbers’ picture, ideally outline-transferred to the pavement the night before. No special talent is needed to paint; everyone is welcome! This ground-breaking project (no literal ground will be broken for this event) now includes planter boxes extending the curb corner, to help bikes and cars interact more safely in the intersection. If you commute by bike on N Concord, this project is for you!

We’re seeking volunteers of all stripes and abilities; please contact Leslee to let us know you’ll be coming so we have enough FOOD, contributed in part by Kenny & Zuke’s Deli. Email Leslee at ONeST@ to sign up now!



(check City Repair’s VBC website for updates)

May 29, Tues 2-5pm: Site Prep; pressure washing and scrubbing. Let’s prepare the surface for MAXIMUM PAINT ADHESION!!!

May 31, Thurs: 2-5pm: Site Prep; caulking street cracks

June 1, Fri: 9am-4pm: Site Prep – laying out the grid, the first step in transferring the graphic from paper to roadway; and drawing the outlines, getting the ‘paint by numbers’ ready.

June 2, Sat: 9am-4pm: Painting! We’ll have a stop-motion camera documenting the day – come ready to liberate your inner artist! We’ll also paint, fill and plant 7 street planters, check website.

Noon: lunch! Menu tba, but rumors are it’ll be Vegan Chili, Cornbread, and Kenny & Zuke’s Pastrami – and neighborhood potluck contributions, too!

LOTS of volunteers needed! Check website for updates, especially if it looks like rain.
June 3, Sun: 9am-4pm: Painting Rain Date.

Materials & Skills Sought From Neighbors:

  • A power washer
  • 3 easels
  • Chairs
  • Sidewalk chalk (lots!)
  • YOU to take on one small piece of the project: Pick out a job that you know you’re good at, or something you’ve always wanted to try. Our goal is building community, having fun and increasing our skills. Of course, we’ve still got to get the thing done in one day!

What would you like to do?

  • Image Elements/Choose a Crew: Compass, Bike, Leaf, Raven, Ship Screw, Plane Prop, Train Wheels, Fremont, Water, Blueberries, Walnut Branch, Roots, Sundial – take charge of one component.
  • Help Ken feed us
  • Sign-in and direct volunteers
  • Play music (I know there is a band in this neighborhood!)
  • Help with Clean-Up

Your financial donations are also appreciated; this is a neighbor-sponsored event – the city does NOT pay for it!

Please take a moment to click through to the Village Building Convergence/City Repair website to get an idea of the scope of this VBC and what projects like these have meant to other neighborhoods over the years.

The Village Building Convergence is a bit like a conference, a bit like a festival, and a bit like a neighborhood improvement day. Of course, it is uniquely unlike any of those events, but if you are familiar with any of these types of events, you can start to understand VBC.

Come repair the intersection with us!