Help Wanted: OKNA Communications

The Overlook Neighborhood Association (OKNA) is seeking a few good people to assist in an ever-expanding communications team.

Newsletter: Our quarterly print newsletter needs a new coordinator to maintain contact with the OKNA board and community members to share Overlook news. This job can be done by multiple people, if they’ll coordinate. See past issues here:

Weekly Email Newsette: OKNA has over 500 subscribers to our email list who rely on these timely updates. This obligation is about 2 hours per week and requires attention to detail and the ability to copy/paste. Weekly blasts are posted on our website as well; review past topics here:

Mail Monitor: A good fit with the Weekly Email writing, OKNA needs someone to monitor our public email account ‘info@’ and filter emails that require action to the OKNA board. This can be as simple as checking for urgent issues a couple of times per week.

Website: The website content is up to date but the template could use some updating. This position should be held by someone familiar with WordPress, who is willing to keep the site updated and secured. Most work is done in the WordPress dashboard but the webmaster should be familiar with the back end works as well. OKNA maintains several email accounts (with forwards) that this person should also assist with. We recommend having multiple content managers.

Facebook: Topping 600+ members, the OKNA Facebook page would be well served by having several administrators who can post to the page. The page is well connected with information for ‘shares’. Of you 600, are there 3 or 4 who’d help out with sharing posts and updates?

NextDoor: Similar to Facebook, but private, this social media site has an active constituency. OKNA could benefit from one person posting OKNA information (meetings etc) to the group. This group is not run by OKNA, we should just contribute there.

If you’ve seen room for improvement in OKNA’s communications, or you’ve been wanting to get more involved with the neighborhood association but were unsure how, these volunteer jobs are excellent ways to get an overview of the varied work OKNA does and be very helpful at the same time. If you’ve got the time and are ready to bring it, please contact us soon and/or come to a meeting (we hold 2 public meetings per month). We would like to fill these positions by September and if you act now, you can get some training too! 1st Tuesday of the month: Board meeting at Overlook House 3rd Tuesday of the month: General Membership meeting (usually at Kaiser Town Hall but look for special locations this summer!)