Happy Halloween Weekend, Overlook!

Happy Halloween, Overlook! Keep a sharp eye out for little goblins & ghouls on Monday night, and enjoy the last week of Daylight Savings.

1) Halloween Party at the Overlook House (10/31)

2) Trick Or Treat for The Oregon Food Bank (10/31)

3) Prescription Drug Turn In Event (10/29)

4) Deadline Alert: Leaf Day Opt Out (11/1)

5) Greenway Trail Group Recruiting (now)

6) Communicate with OKNA


1) Halloween Party at the Overlook House (10/31)

Calling little Halloween goblins, witches, fairies and robots!

Overlook House holds its annual Halloween party for little kids on Monday, October 31st, from 4-6 p.m. We will have games, crafts and yummy treats for kids from 1 to 5 years old. Bring your young family members and see what we’ve cooked up for this year’s fun. Be sure to wear your costumes! 3839 N. Melrose Drive. www.historicoverlookhouse.org

2) Trick Or Treat for The Oregon Food Bank (10/31)

On Halloween, neighbor Gilah will be walking the neighborhood with a rolling cart doing "Trick or Treat for the Oregon Food Bank."  Here are several ways Overlook friends & neighbors can participate.

*You can give donatable foods when I come to your door. (see below)

*You can give me a check made out to the Oregon Food Bank (for which you’ll get a receipt from them).

*You can drop off contributions to a container on my front step through Tuesday November 1st, and/or

*You can join my team on Halloween so we can cover more territory. If you want to walk the streets collecting, with me or dividing territory, please contact me by 8 pm on Sunday the 30th.

Gilah: seabird24 @yahoo.com
The Oregon Food Bank website has helpful information about the types of food they can accept for donation: http://www.oregonfoodbank.org Consider donating healthy, low-fat and low-sugar products; there’s a great list at the link.

3) Prescription Drug Turn In Event (10/29)

Safely dispose of unused and expired medications on Saturday. This is an effort to keep our waterways clean and raise awareness about the dangers of prescription drug abuse.

Saturday, October 29th, 2011 from 10:00am-2:00pm.
North Interstate Fred Meyer (police mobile precinct on site)
7404 North Interstate Avenue

Items acceptable for deposit are:
Prescription medications and samples, all over the counter medications, vitamins, pet medications, medicated ointments, and liquid medication in leak proof containers.

Items NOT acceptable for deposit are:
Thermometers/Sharps/Syringes, IV bags, bloody or infectious waste, hydrogen peroxide, aerosol cans, inhalers, and EpiPens. *NO SHARPS

4) Deadline Alert: Leaf Day Opt Out (11/1)


Leaf Day Opt Out Deadline is November 1. 

5) Greenway Trail Group Recruiting (now)

Planning for North Portland Greenway Trail has begun; you are invited to join the discussion.

Portland Parks & Recreation and North Portland Neighborhood Services are committed to working together to provide a high quality trail and active transportation opportunity for all Portlanders.  As part of this commitment, we are convening a group of interested community members to advise the development of the alignment study for the proposed Greenway Trail.

A portion of the trail, reaching from at the Steel Bridge to Kelley Point Park, straight through Overlook.

For more information about the project or the advisory committee, please contact Mary Jaron Kelley mary@npnscommunity.org or Kip Wadden atkathleen.wadden@portlandoregon.gov

6) Communicate with OKNA

The Overlook Neighborhood Association board not only enjoys telling you things, they enjoy hearing things from you as well. If you have a non-commercial item to share with Overlook neighbors, email OKNA at info@ OverlookNeighborhood.org with ‘Post to List’ in the subject line. We appreciate it when your short item is paste-in ready!

Email digests are posted to our website as well, crowded in among the tons of useful information already there: www.OverlookNeighborhood.org

If you prefer Facebook, you can find us there now too; search ‘Overlook Neighborhood PDX’ (<<< or click that fancy link!) and ‘like’ us to subscribe. I’m sure one day there will be a Facebook button on our website.