Happy 4th of July Weekend! Overlook Yard Sale/Free Share Reminder

Don't Forget!

The Overlook Neighborhood Yard Sale and Free Share are coming July 16 & 17!

Join our neighborhood-wide Yard Sale on Saturday. Then, leave anything you’re willing to give away on your front yard or parking strip – clearly marked for Free Share  – and neighbors will  find what they need or want on Sunday, for free!  Saturday, Sell It… Sunday, Share It!

Please let us know if you’ll be

having a sale so we can put your location on the map!  Send an email with Overlook Yard Sale in the subject line and your address to: onest@OverlookNeighborhood.org


If you have a Portland Schools YES sign, may we have it?  We’ll re-purpose it for the yard sale.  You can drop it by 3908 N. Concord (on the corner of Failing), or email onest@OverlookNeighborhood.org and we’ll come pick it up.  Thanks!
