Greeley homeless camp update

Dear Overlook Neighbors,

Your Overlook Neighborhood Association Board continues to monitor events surrounding the homeless camp near the intersection of Greeley and Interstate Avenues. We have heard from many neighbors that they have concerns about the camp. See below for how you can help.

First, here is where things stand:

  • The board discussed the situation in depth at its meeting on Tuesday. A representative from OSALT, which runs the nearby community garden, attended and said the group was neutral on the existence of the camp. The board unanimously voted to send letters objecting to the unsafe camp to Portland City Council, Oregon Department of Transportation and local media.
  • On Wednesday OKNA Board Chair Dannielle Herman sent those messages. You can read the one we sent to the city here. The one for ODOT was basically the same.
  • We have since been contacted by several media outlets. KGW ran a story after speaking with a board representative. The Oregonian also reported on our concerns in a story about new eviction notices posted by ODOT and Union Pacific Rail Road.
  • ODOT confirmed for us on Friday that the evictions will occur in about a week. ODOT noted, however, that it can only evict people from its property. At least three parties own different properties in the area: ODOT, the City and Union Pacific.
  • We continue to reach out to City Hall — the Mayor’s office in particular — with the hope that they will engage with the neighborhood on this issue. So far, they appear willing to press forward without input from Overlook.

The situation remains fluid, and OKNA will continue to monitor and advocate for safe practices in our neighborhood. Things you can do to help include:

  • Spread the word about the unsafe homeless camp. It’s important that we all remain calm and respectful, but that does not mean to hold back on sharing what you view as potential problems with the camp.
  • Send a letter expressing your views to members of the City Council and local media. The best thing to do is write about what you’ve experienced and what your concerns are in your own words. Put “Unsafe Greeley Homeless Camp” in the subject line. A sample letter appears at the end of this message to help you get started. Visibility is essential to success. Send your letters to:,,
  • Keep in touch with your neighbors and keep an eye on your neighborhood. We’ve heard a large number of reports lately about thefts, trespassing and people relieving themselves in public areas. These incidents may or may not be associated with the camp, but it’s always good practice to work together to keep Overlook safe.
  • Attend the next Overlook Neighborhood Association meeting to discuss what else we can do as a neighborhood. We will meet Tuesday, Oct. 20 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. in the Kaiser Town Hall at 3704 N Interstate Ave.

Thank you for being an engaged resident of the Overlook Neighborhood.

Sample letter to city council:

Dear City Council,

As a resident of Overlook Neighborhood, I wish the City of Portland had reached out to us before deciding that a homeless camp is appropriate for land near the intersection of Interstate and Greeley Avenue.

While I support the city’s newfound desire to take serious steps to deal with the problem of homelessness, it must think strategically about the issue, not simply say that any place homeless Portlanders have taken up residence is adequate. If the city had approached the Greeley site strategically, it never would have concluded that it is suitable for a camp.

The fundamental problem is one of safety. The site lacks even the most rudimentary sanitation and health resources. As a result, human waste and garbage accumulates. The site also sits at the base of the bluff. Recent rain notwithstanding, the bluffs are covered with dry vegetation that could easily ignite and carry fire into the neighborhood. Finally, the site sits between two very busy roads. A tragic accident is inevitable.

I ask that you work with the Oregon Department of Transportation to clear this site of the homeless camp without delay.


[Your Name]

Overlook Neighborhood resident