Grants and trees, lots of trees

1) OKNA grant review committee recruiting

2) Fruit tree giveaway

3) Overlook tree planting

4) Fruit tree pruning and care workshop

1) OKNA grant review committee recruiting

The Overlook Neighborhood Association will award up to $2,500 worth of grants to neighborhood programs and projects this spring. We’re recruiting volunteers to serve on the grant review committee. Send an email to if you’re willing to spend a handful of hours helping choose the best projects to support the Overlook community.

2) Fruit tree giveaway

Improve the neighborhood’s air quality, beautify your home and grow fruit in your yard. The Arbor Lodge Neighborhood Association has invited Overlook residents to participate in the Brian Duncan Memorial Fruit Tree Giveaway. The ALNA Tree Team will give away 75 fruit trees free on March 2. Pickup will be at Arbor Lodge Park, 11:30-1 p.m.

The team selected trees that grow well in the North Portland micro climate. They will also host an optional workshop on March 2 (9-11 a.m. at the Kenton Firehouse) to teach participants how to plant and care for their tree.

Visit the official website to reserve your tree by Feb. 22 and to learn more.

3) Overlook tree planting

If you’re not ready to plant a fruit tree yourself (see above) but are still thinking about a new tree for your yard, Friends of Trees will hold its annual neighborhood planting event on March 16, and there’s still time to sign up.

Even if you’re not looking for a tree for yourself, consider joining Friends of Trees on the Overlook planting day as a volunteer. It’s a great way to meet neighbors and help keep the neighborhood green and clean.

Visit the Friends of Trees website for more information. Overlook Neighborhood coordinator Christy Hudson can also answer questions sent to

4) Fruit tree pruning and care workshop

If you already have a fruit tree or are planning to plant one, consider attending the upcoming Fruit Tree Pruning and Care workshop on Feb. 17, 12-3 p.m. at Beach School Garden. Sustainable Overlook has organized this event for neighbors.

Join orchard expert April Jamison of Garden Ecology who will demystify winter fruit tree pruning at this hands-on workshop. Participants will get familiar with the basics and then have a demonstration and practice time, giving the school garden’s two apple trees some thoughtful and loving care.

In this class you will learn:

  • Tools of the trade
  • When and why to prune
  • Types of cuts and how to make them
  • Step-by-step process
  • Tips on training, restoration and more.

Bring gloves and your favorite pruning tools such as hand pruners, folding saw or loppers if you have them. Dress for the weather.

Questions? Send an email to