OKNA Overlook Neighborhood Email 05/02/14

1) Help out at the Party at the Intersection!
2) How does your Garden Grow? (5/10 deadline)
3) Infill Demolition…Call to Action! (5/6)
4) Native Plant Sale (5/10)
5) Liquor License Application (5/23 deadline)
6) Neighborhood-Specific Social Media

1) Help out at the Party at the Intersection!

The intersection repair party is coming up on May 31 and there are lots of ways to get involved. Sustainable Overlook is looking for folks to help out in advance and on that day at the paint station, kid’s area and with set-up/clean-up. There is still space for booths for neighborhood business, artists or organizations (there is no fee) and we’re looking for two more band/musicians to play. Or just bring your paintbrush and your friends and come have fun! Email sustainable@overlookneighborhood.org


2) How does your Garden Grow? (5/10 deadline)

Would you like to share your garden with neighbors and help spread the word about natural gardening? Is there a yard in the neighborhood that you’ve always wanted to check out? Sustainable Overlook’s 3rd annual garden tour is seeking nominations for the June 28th event. Nominate your neighbor (or yourself!) by sending the address and contact information (if you have it) to sustainable@overlookneighborhood.org by May 10th. 


3) Infill Demolition…Call to Action! (5/6)
Are you concerned about developers who build whatever brings in the most profit, seemingly without regard to the heritage and character of the homes they destroy?
Beaumont -Wilshire Neighborhood Association (BWNA) is hosting a citywide all-neighborhood meeting to discuss this issue and changes that can be made within the city building codes to bring about a more responsible approach to neighborhood development.

May 6, 2014 from 7pm to 9pm
Central NE Neighbors, 4415 NE 87th Avenue

BWNA is currently in the process of researching what other cities have done to mitigate the problem of runaway infill development and is hoping to be able to unite with other neighborhood associations in the presentation of a joint proposal of options for consideration by Mayor Hales and the City Council.
We hope you are interested in participating. Please RSVP with the name of a representative from your neighborhood association to Alison Stoll at alisons@cnncoalition.org or 503-823-3156.

If you plan to attend and want to represent Overlook, please touch base with OKNA at info @ OverlookNeighborhood.org


4) Native Plant Sale (5/10)
Spring has sprung – and it’s almost Mothers’ Day!  There’s no better way to celebrate than by planting Northwest native plants in your garden and yard. And there’s no better place to buy those plants than at the 2nd Annual Native Plant Sale sponsored by Friends of Overlook Bluff (FOOB) on Saturday, May 10, from 10 am to 2 pm in the 3900 block of  N. Overlook Terrace.  Native plants thrive in our neighborhood and provide excellent habitat for insects, birds, and other wildlife.  FOOB will have wildflowers, shrubs, grasses, and ground covers – all grown by Bosky Dell Nursery – including trillium, Oregon grape, evergreen huckleberry, meadow foam, a variety of ferns, and much more.  For more information on Friends of Overlook Bluff, or to volunteer at a FOOB event, please go to www.overlookbluff.org or contact FOOB at friendsofoverlookbluff@gmail.com.

Saturday, May 10, 10 am -2 pm – Overlook Bluff

5) Liquor License Application (5/23 deadline)

The following application was received this week. Atomic Pizza is an already-licensed restaurant moving to a new space one block away, requiring a new liquor license.

Neighborhood Association: OVERLOOK
Business Name: ATOMIC PIZZA
Business Address: 1936 N KILLINGSWORTH
Type of License: NO/LOP/OPS
Business Association: INTERSTATE CORRIDOR
Comments Due: 5/23/2014

If you wish to comment please contact City of Portland Liquor License Notification Program. Attn: Theresa Marchetti
By mail to: 1221 SW 4th Ave Ste 110 , Portland OR 97204
By fax to: 503-823-3050
By email to: theresa.marchetti@portlandoregon.gov

6) Neighborhood-Specific Social Media
NextDoor is a social media site that requires registration and your physical address, but posts are private to outside viewers. It’s really been catching on around town, especially lately in Overlook.

If you would prefer an interactive but private place to share items for sale, service referrals or to discuss neighborhood topics (IE there is a crime and safety section) it might be the solution for you. Posts include missing pets, items for free or sale, crime/safety alerts & concerns and more.
If you would like to join the Overlook community there, you may use this invite link: https://nextdoor.com/invite/3f8727fd2b7e9ecc0ad5

OKNA is not officially represented there and does not run the group.