OKNA Overlook Neighborhood Email 06/06/14


1) Free Rose Class: Pruning & Deadheading (6/7)

2) New Site Connects You to CSAs

3) Portland Harbor Community Advisory Group (CAG) meeting (6/14)

4) Intersection Repair is Refreshed!

5) Sustainable Overlook Events Schedule (June/July)

6) North Sunday Parkways (6/22)

7) OKNA on Facebook


1) Free Rose Class: Pruning & Deadheading (6/7)

Have you inherited roses at your new house, or just never knew what to do with them? Learn how this weekend:

Free Rose Class: Pruning & Deadheading

Peninsula Park Community Center, 700 N. Rosa Parks Way

Saturday, June 7 2014, 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

Presented by the Friends of the Peninsula Park Rose Garden

Who: Free and open to the public

What: Rose Class by the Friends of the Peninsula Park Rose Garden

Where: Fireside Room, Peninsula Park Community Center, 700 N. Rosa Parks Way

When: Saturday, June 7, 1:00-2:00 PM: In the Garden: Pruning & Deadheading

2) New Site Connects You to CSAs

The City of Portland has a new resource to connect households with healthy food. This map shows all of the Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) pick-up sites in the City. http://www.portlandoregon.gov/bps/csa

CSA is a great way to connect directly with a farm and receive farm fresh produce for a season. Every week, farmers bring fresh, local food to Portland pick-up sites, and many farms still have openings for new members. More farms are accepting SNAP benefits for CSA, too, and that information is included on the map.

Caylor Roling works for the Portland Area CSA Coalition, a small nonprofit that educates about CSA (http://www.portlandcsa.org), and shared this information with us. They collaborated with the City’s Sustainable Food Program to create the map, and are excited to share it with you.


3) Portland Harbor Community Advisory Group (CAG) meeting (6/14)

Wednesday, June 11, 2014 6-8pm

6543 N. Burlington Avenue (Portland BES Water Pollution Control Lab)

Portland Harbor CAG meetings are intended to keep the community informed of developments at the Portland Harbor Superfund Site and to provide a forum for discussion. CAG meetings are open to everyone. Contact the CAG Chair, Jim Robison, with questions jim@jimrobison.org


1. Welcome and CAG announcements: Jim Robison, Chair, Portland Harbor CAG

2. Stormwater and Source control discussion:

•City of Portland outfall project and municipal stormwater report. Linda Scheffler, City of Portland

•Source control overview and source control summary report. Alex Liverman, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality

3. River geology: Kim Anderson, Geologist, OSU

4. Closing remarks: Jim Robison

See new updates on EPA’s Portland Harbor webpage: www.epa.gov/region10/portlandharbor


4) Intersection Repair is Refreshed!

BIG THANKS to the nearly 100 friends and neighbors who came out for the Intersection Repair Repaint Party last Saturday! Our gratitude goes out to everyone who brought food and fruit to share, our business neighbors Eisenhower Bagelhouse (N Interstate & Shaver), Kenny & Zuke’s Delicatessen (3 locations) and Miller Paint for their donations and to the whole City Repair/Village Building Convergence community for their support.

The intersection graphic is glowing once again and the planter boxes have been reshaded; everything is sparkling and fresh right now, so come over for a visit. We’ve already seen a couple of recent photo shoots going on; come capture your own piece of Overlook history at N. Concord Ave. and N. Overlook Blvd.

There were several Intersection Repairs in the area during the VBC. See them all on the upcoming Pedalpalooza Ride starting right here in Overlook.


N Overlook Blvd & N Concord

Sunday, June 15 1:00pm – 6:00pm

Join City Repair’s 2014 tour of new Intersection Repairs, Nat Bldg & Urban Ag projects…all ending in a Cob-Oven Pizza Party! At City Repair, we focus on building common gathering places so communities can find their strength to tackle today’s myriad of issues from Climate Change, to building local resilient systems. We’ll begin our journey in Overlook & meander through this great city visiting the newly constructed sites before ending at Site # 34 ManifestStation (2020 SE Bush) to try out their brand spankin’ new Cob Oven! Donations for a personal pie. Beer & Cider available.

City Repair , ted at cityrepair daht oh are gee , vbc.cityrepair.org


5) Sustainable Overlook Events Schedule (June/July)

The Intersection Repair is a project of Sustainable Overlook, and OKNA committee that makes things happen! Here’s a recap of what they have coming up:
Sustainable Overlook invites YOU to join in the fun. We had a great Intersection Repair Party as part of the Village Building Convergence this weekend and there are lots of events and projects coming up. Here’s a big update of what’s happening.

Monthly Meeting – Thursday, June 12, 6:30-8:30 pm

Join in the discussion about neighborhood resilience, sustainability events and meet your neighbors! This month we’ll discuss an idea to create a Portland Manifesto modeled after The Lancet’s Planetary Health Manifesto. Proposals for new sustainability initiatives are always welcome! Feel free to bring drinks or snacks to share, or grab a banh-mi from The Old Gold next door.

5523 N. Detroit Ave. near N. Killingsworth

Sunday Parkways – North Portland – Sunday, June 22

Stop by the ‘Green Spot’ at Arbor Lodge Park, one of Portland’s few pesticide-free parks. We need volunteers for shifts at the Sustainable Overlook booth to give out fruit samples and natural gardening info, sign folks up for the Healthy Lawn and Garden pledge, sell eco-lawn seed and invite people to the Garden Tour.

Reception and Orientation for Garden Tour– Thursday, June 26, 6:30-8:30 pm

All garden tour hosts and volunteers are invited to a get-together for a quick orientation for tour day and to meet the amazing neighbors involved.

Sustainable Overlook Garden Tour 2014 – Saturday, June 28, 10 am to 3 pm

Our 3rd annual garden tour will feature yards that express Sustainable Overlook’s mission of ‘Building Community and Resilience’ in 10 unique gardens. Explore neighbor’s creative, pesticide-free solutions for rain harvesting, play spaces, edible landscaping, bird and pollinator friendly gardens and more. Each garden will host a community partner info table. We need volunteers to help at each garden and with set-up/take-down. Contact Mulysa at sustainable@OverlookNeighborhood.org.

Yard Sale and Free Share 2014 – Saturday and Sunday, July 19 and 20

Join in the 3rd annual neighborhood-wide sale. Over 50 households have participated in past years. It’s a great way to meet your neighbors and reduce, reuse and recycle! Contact Josh at sustainable@OverlookNeighborhood.org to put your sale on the map.

Pesticide Free Overlook

This month marks the one-year mark of the project to become Portland’s first pesticide free-neighborhood! You can help us meet our goal of having 500 neighbors pledge their yards by June 30.

1)Take the Healthy Lawn and Garden Pledge at www.sustainableoverlook.org to get a free lady bug sign and be a ‘green’ property on the map.

2) Hang your lady bug sign where it can be seen!

3) Tell your neighbors about the effort to make our neighborhood healthier for everyone and invite them to take the pledge.

Or take the next step and get in touch with us to do some canvasing, staff the table at an event or deliver ladybug yard signs!

Get involved!

Everyone is welcome. Whether you have one hour a year or one hour a day, pick an event or project to help with, or come to our meeting and suggest your project idea. Together we can "turn our neighborhood into a community." (to quote ‘Food Not Lawns’ by Heather Jo Flores.)

Like us on Facebook to stay in the loop: www.facebook.com/SustainableOverlook


6) North Sunday Parkways (6/22)

This year on June 22 we are celebrating our 25th Sunday Parkways event. We are so proud that Portland has embraced this popular active community event. And thankful to our presenting sponsor Kaiser Permanente for being there from the beginning.

The June 22nd event will show off the neighborhood greenways, the Willamette Bluff and Peninsula, Kenton, Arbor Lodge, and McCoy Parks. The route is 9.5 miles of traffic-free streets with no start or end.

Dress comfortable. The parks are programmed with activities for young and old and in between. All people – walkers, runners, bicyclists, mobility device users, seniors, adults, and children – enjoy a day of healthy physical activities right here in North Portland. Don’t forget to bring some cash. The Sunday Parkways Marketplaces adjacent to the parks have enticing food and beverages. Merchandise vendors will offer a variety of goods, all easy to transport. And community organizations offer information to keep us in the know.

Also, Sunday Parkways needs volunteers; is always interested in having local vendors and community groups participating; and is greatly appreciative of any donations. To find out more about these opportunities, visit www.PortlandSundayParkways.org or call 503-823-7599.
Join us on June 22nd, 11 am – 4 pm!

Portland Sunday Parkways presented by Kaiser Permanente is about opening streets and connecting neighborhoods.


7) OKNA on Facebook

Find OKNA on Facebook: www.facebook.com/OKNAinPDX

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We’re looking for more people to post news to our Facebook page. Please message if you would like to be an OKNA Facebook Reporter!