Happy 2012, Your OKNA Weekly Email

Happy New Year, Overlook! Now that you’ve sent all the out of town company home & recycled all the wrappings, have a look at what’s going on in the neighborhood…

1) Thank you, Brad!
2) Sacred Garden Space Suggestions?
3) Land Use Notice Posted (1/9)
4) Park Lovers, Meet, Speak Up (1/9)
5) City of Portland 2012 State and Federal Legislative Agendas – City Council hearings
6) Portland Harbor Community Advisory Group Meets (1/11)
7) Do you Dig Square Dancing? (1/12)
8) Beach Parents: PPS & the Future of Schools (1/17)
9) Tree Planting Event This Month (1/28)


1) Thank you, Brad!

Special thanks to Overlook volunteer and past (maybe future?) OKNA board member Brad Halverson for keeping the meeting room at Kaiser Town Hall reserved for the monthly OKNA general meetings. Yeah, maybe he uses some new fandangled schedule reminder device, but the fact that he does it at all is so helpful. Come check out the room and join us at the next OKNA meeting, Tuesday, January 17, 2012 at 7pm. Thanks again, Brad!

2) Sacred Garden Space Suggestions?

Neighbor Kathryn sends the following message:

Hello, I live in the Overlook neighborhood and I am hoping starting an urban farm/garden with a vision of bringing a sacred wild space to the community that feeds it on many levels. It will have the usual beds for vegetables that we will (whomever participates) collectively take to market and share the profit as well as donating the surplus to those in need in the community. Beyond this I also see a sacred garden space with medicinal herbs planted in archetypal forms such as a spiral and a labrynth, the middle of the garden will have a community space for outdoor meditation and ceremony/ artistic expression. I plan on submitting an application to City Repair requesting volunteer help building a cob tea house;). I am just looking for a good space to plant!
If anyone has any interest in or knows of anyone wanting to share the land in such a way or if anyone knows of a vacant lot that could use some love please connect with me.  Thank you!  -Kathryn
Email Kathryn

3) Land Use Notice Posted (1/9)

Check out plans for a remodeling job at the Economy Inn Motel on N Interstate Avenue. As part of the Portland Development Commission’s (PDC) Storefront Improvement Program, the motel owners intend new windows and siding. Check it out and submit your comments, if any. http://www.portlandonline.com/bds/index.cfm?c=42261&a=378707

Questions? Contact OKNA at info@OverlookNeighborhood.org Comments are due 1/9/12. This information was posted in a more timely fashion on our Facebook page www.facebook.com/OKNAinPDX; you too can ‘like’ the page to subscribe to midweek updates like these.

4) Park Lovers, Meet, Speak Up (1/9)

Portland Parks & Recreation will soon submit their proposed budget for the next fiscal year.  As directed by Mayor Adams, their budget reflects cuts of up to $3 million. This impacts important programs and services including: community centers, park garbage and restroom service, street trees, and SUN Community Schools. 

Learn more about the recommendations at www.portlandparks.org and then join us:

WHAT: An opportunity to share your thoughts about the proposed budget with Commissioner Nick Fish and Director Mike Abbaté
WHEN: Monday, January 9th, 2012 6:30pm-8:30pm
WHERE: Multnomah County Boardroom @ 501 SE Hawthorne (at the corner of SE 6th Ave. )

5) City of Portland 2012 State and Federal Legislative Agendas – City Council hearings

We wanted you to be aware that Portland City Council will be holding two hearings next week on the City of Portland’s 2012 State and Federal Legislative Agendas. All hearings will be held in Portland City Council Chambers.

2012 State Legislative Agenda
Wednesday, January 11th 10 a.m.
Council Chambers, City Hall, 1221 SW 4th Ave., 2nd floor
Link to City of Portland DRAFT 2012 State Legislative Agenda

2012 Federal Legislative Agenda
Thursday, January 12th 3 p.m.
Council Chambers, City Hall, 1221 SW 4th Ave., 2nd floor
Link to City of Portland DRAFT 2012 Federal Legislative Agenda

If you have questions about any legislative item contained in these legislative agendas, please contact City Council offices using this link, which has contact information for City Council offices: http://www.portlandonline.com/index.cfm.

6) Portland Harbor Community Advisory Group Meets (1/11)

Meetings of the Portland Harbor Community Advisory Group (PH CAG) are intended to keep the community abreast of developments on the Portland Harbor Superfund Site and to provide a forum for discussion.  PH CAG meetings are open to everyone.  We encourage you to step forward to share your concerns and advice.
Date:         Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Time:          6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Location:      6543 N Burlington Avenue (at the Portland BES Water Pollution Control Lab)

7) Do you Dig Square Dancing? (1/12)

We found this post for a Portland MeetUp in Overlook. Contact the group for more information – the name of the group is called Anyone Can Join!, so I guess anyone can! http://www.meetup.com/Anyone-Can-Join/events/46383472/

Old-Time Gathering square dance: Thursday, January 12, 2012, 6:45 PM

Polish Library Association & Grandpa’s Cafe 3832 North Interstate Avenue, Portland, OR

Help kick off the 2012 Portland Old-Time Music Gathering with this free square dance featuring two fine bands.  It’s a smaller version of the big Saturday dance, good for beginners or those who are rusty.

Calling by Zach Hudson and Amy Hofer; Music by Uncle Wiggily and Flat Rock String Band

8) Beach Parents: PPS & the Future of Schools (1/17)

Speaking of the OKNA General meeting, if you have a kid, might have a kid in the future or know a kid, you’ll want to attend the next OKNA meeting.

A representative from Portland Public Schools (PPS) will attend the meeting on Tuesday, January 17 to discuss several important issues facing North Portland schools including Beach. Dealing with growing enrollment, aging school buildings needing repairs and delivering strong results for students in every neighborhood are key discussion points. We’d love to see lots of folks representing Beach School and Overlook at that meeting.

9) Tree Planting Event This Month (1/28)

Come out on Saturday January 28th for Overlook and Arbor Lodge neighborhoods’ 13th annual tree planting event. Last year over a hundred people came and we planted over 120 trees. We want you to join us this year!

Bring your kids or anyone else you want too. We will meet at Kaiser Permanente Town Hall at 8:30 for hot drinks and some breakfast items. Then we will go out in small groups and plant trees. Usually people come alone or in pairs, so you will be getting to know some neighbors while out planting trees.

If you want to contribute but can’t plant trees, please consider contributing some breakfast item or a dish for the big lunch we will have after all the trees are planted. Every year we also need people to help organize the meeting places, and to drive other volunteers and trees in your pickup truck. This year we might have close to 200 trees to plant, and will really need volunteers and pickup trucks.

Last year was a huge success and we’re going to make it even better this year. Call Garrett with any questions about how the day will go down, or if you’d like to give a heads up that you are coming with some food or your truck.   503 422 5070.  Thanks!