Overlook Neighborhood Update (March 24)

1) New trees in Madrona Park

2) Beach School Bash

3) Support Patton Square Park Playground

4) Take your studded tires off this week

1) New trees in Madrona Park

Several Overlook neighbors have asked OKNA about recently planted trees in the open space of Madrona Park next to the multi-use path. They shared concerns that the trees will disrupt use of the space that had been a popular place for kids to throw balls around and people to run their dogs.

We checked with the city’s Parks & Recreation Department’s Urban Forestry Department for more information.

The trees were planted as replacements for some trees in the park that had recently fallen. The new trees are giant dogwoods. The city will water them regularly for three years to ensure that they establish themselves.

The forestry department did not consider alternative planting locations such as the unused park greenspace across N Greeley Avenue nor were they aware that residents frequently recreate in the open space. Forestry staff chose not to consult with the neighborhood in advance.

There are no plans to remove the trees now that they are planted. Urban forestry is optimistic that they will not be too disruptive to active uses in what was one of the only park open spaces in that part of Overlook. Continue reading “Overlook Neighborhood Update (March 24)”