Looks like a good time for a couple of days off, Overlook. Here’s some food for thought for you, and meetings n’ stuff to boot.
1) Intersection Repair: Great Time Had by All!
2) Food Security in School
3) Portland Harbor Community Advisory Group Meeting (6/13)
4) News from the Facebook Page
5) Connect with OKNA
1) Intersection Repair: Great Time Had by All!
Thank you to the 200 or so neighbors, plus kids, who turned out last weekend to paint the intersection at N Overlook Blvd & N Concord! Everyone had a great, if messy time. Come over to the intersection, right by the Historic Overlook House, and enjoy it for yourself. Or, take a browse through the photos in the following linked galleries. If you painted, I’ll bet we’ve got a photo of you in action!
Thank you to our event sponsors and the many neighbors who have already contributed financially; we are still seeking donations to pay for the materials.
Kenny & Zuke’s Delicatessen, Mr Green Beans, Miller Paints, the Organic Brewers’ Festival, Hanken’s Hardware and the Overlook Fire Station all supported us, as did the Overlook Neighborhood Association, Friends of the Overlook House, Historic Mississippi Street Fair and Precision Graphics.
Many thanks again, and if you want to be on the mailing list for the project (we still have planter boxes to construct and install, and a timelapse video coming) please email Leslee at ONeST@OverlookNeighborhood.org to be included.
Graig Raisman’s Installation Set
Steve Lanigan’s Portraits in Paint
2) Food Security in School
The Arbor Lodge Neighborhood is reaching out to Overlook with a proposal to benefit our middle schoolers at Ockley Green. Arbor Lodge neighbors are currently providing weekly fresh fruit to children and families at their elementary school. They would like to take on Ockley Green’s similar program as well and are inviting you to join them.
If you are interested in working on this project with Ginger in Arbor Lodge, please contact us and we’ll put you together. If you’d like OKNA to become involved in an even larger effort, let us know about that too. We look forward to hearing from you. info@ OverlookNeighborhood.org
3) Portland Harbor Community Advisory Group Meeting (6/13)
Meetings of the Portland Harbor Community Advisory Group (PH CAG) are intended to keep the community abreast of developments on the Portland Harbor Superfund Site and to provide a forum for discussion. PH CAG meetings are open to everyone. We encourage you to step forward to share your concerns and advice.
Date: Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Time: 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Location: 6543 N Burlington Avenue (Portland BES Water Pollution Control Lab)
On the agenda: "Big Pipe" project video, Portland Harbor draft restoration plan overview, with a focus on recreational restoration planning
Did you miss the public information sessions on the Portland Harbor draft Feasibility Study? No worries, see the EPA site below for video and powerpoint presentations from the information sessions and the May CAG meeting.
4) News from the Facebook Page (so you can see what you’re missing if you aren’t a liker.. plus Facebook has pretty pictures) www.facebook.com/OKNAinPDX
Covered Freeway Coming: You have until September to comment on this massive project that will impact Overlook tremendously (hey, we have to get out of the neighborhood sometimes..) $400 million plan to cap Interstate 5, connect Rose Quarter and Lloyd District moves forward
Does your car sit around most days? Do you not have a car most days? Getaround is a new car sharing service that wants to put idle cars together with carless drivers by letting people rent out their personal vehicles. Please check it out; The Overlook Neighborhood Association will get a little $spiff for each person who signs up to rent out their car or rent a neighbor’s car. A very interesting and sustainable way to drive! http://mbsy.co/XG
An age-friendly Overlook neighborhood has been a goal for several years now. We’re lucky to have Alan out there advocating for elder-positive development for our futures.
http://djcoregon.com/news/2012/06/05/portland-tries-to-make-buildings-more-age-friendly/ (Alan is a member of our OKNA board of directors.)
This PeddlePalozza event starts at Overlook’s Pittman Addition HydroPark; it sounds easy enough.. come along!
Are you getting your stuff ready for the Yard Sale & Free Share this July 21/22? Well, you know you should be…. http://sites.google.com/site/overlooksustainability/yard-sale-1
Hot weather got you thinking about beer? Be prepared for this big festival to return to Overlook Park in June. http://www.naobf.org/
5) Connect with OKNA
Facebook: If you’re a Facebook user, please ‘like’ our Facebook page as an expanded way to get your Overlook news. If you’ve got an Overlook business, this is a great way for you to connect with neighbors and you are welcome to post your news and specials there.www.facebook.com/OKNAinPDX
The weekly OKNA Email: This thing that you are reading. Typically, the e-mail list is used to send out time-sensitive information about OKNA activities, government activities or hearings of interest to the community, events or crime reports. The List is not intended for any commercial use. The OKNA Board considers the List a valuable resource for communicating with the community, and is committed to keeping the number of mailings manageable and relevant. The names and e-mail addresses of members are not sold, rented, shared or used for any purpose other than those explained here.
If you want to send a message to the List, you should send it to: info@overlookneighborhood.org with "Post To List" in the subject line. Messages about upcoming community events or crime reports will be forwarded to the list. Other items may be forwarded to the OKNA board for a decision.
Overlook Views: OKNA’s 4-times a year, honest to goodness paper newsletter is delivered to every home and business in the Overlook neighborhood. The Summer issue should be in your hands by now, which means it’s time to start planning the next one! If you’ve got an item you’d like included in the next issue, send your proposal to views@ OverlookNeighborhood.org any time now & we’ll inform you about deadlines.
OverlookNeighborhood.org: OKNA’s blog-format website is a catch all for Overlook news. If you miss the weekly email, you’ll find it posted there, along with the occasional midweek extra. It’s all those *other* pages that are so chock-full of interesting and helpful Overlook information! Surf on over and have a look. www.OverlookNeighborhood.org
Monthly OKNA Meetings: Join us on the third Tuesday of every month (except August & December) at 7:00 pm for our general membership meetings. Typical agendas include a public safety update from your district officer and your crime prevention coordinator, news about upcoming ONeST (Overlook Sustainability Team) activities and the many OKNA projects and frequently, a speaker on a topic of interest to the neighborhood. It’s easy and friendly to drop in to these meetings and a good way to find out what’s going on in Overlook. Please contact us if you’d like to share a skill or topic with us in one of our new neighbor presentation segments, or if you have an Overlook business, consider offering a coupon for a discount or special that’s available only to meeting attendees.
We meet in the Kaiser Town Hall building, 3704 N Interstate Ave. Thank you to Kaiser and neighbor Brad Halvorson for making this room available to us!