Overlook Neighborhood Update (July 6)

1) Overlook Yard Sale & Free Share

2) Public safety meeting

1) Overlook Yard Sale & Free Share

Doing some spring cleaning and noticing items you’re ready to part with?  Thinking you might want to do a yard sale this summer?  This year’s Overlook Yard Sale & Free Share is right around the corner on July 20-21.

By organizing our yard sales together as a neighborhood and coordinating advertising we attract more visitors and buyers. We also get to know our neighbors while offloading lightly-used items from our homes and keeping still-useful items out of the landfill.

If you’re interested in participating, fill out the short online sign-up form. We will combine everyone’s entries into an interactive Google Map that will anonymously advertise sale locations so that deal hunters can find you on yard sale day.  We will publish this map the week leading up to the event as well as advertise throughout the neighborhood and online.

Once you’re signed up, start pulling the items you’re ready to part with. Then set up shop in your yard, garage or doorstep on Saturday, July 20.

If you don’t sell everything, we will have a free share the next day (Sunday, July 21). Anyone can put items curbside, even if they didn’t have a sale, and offer it up as free to neighbors.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact Josh at sustainable@overlookneighborhood.org.

This event is organized annually by the Overlook Neighborhood Association’s Sustainability Committee.

2) Public safety meeting

The North Precinct Public Safety Action Committee (PSAC) will meet on Thursday, July 11, 6-8 p.m. at North Precinct (449 NE Emerson Street).

The PSAC meeting is a forum where community members, community partners and city staff come together to collaborate on ways to make our community safer and more engaged.

From 6 to 6:30, there will be time for pre-meeting problem-solving. This is an opportunity to discuss specific public safety issues and for networking between community members and city staff, including leadership from the Police Bureau’s North Precinct.

After that, PSAC will hear from Portland agency partners, including an update on changes to the Civic Life Community Safety Program (formerly the Crime Prevention Program).

The Portland Police Bureau would like to be prepared to address your questions and concerns. Please send in your questions for the police in advance to north.pdxteam@portlandoregon.gov by end-of-business Tuesday.