A Busy Week in Overlook: OKNA email 9/23

Happy Fall, Overlook! This is a busy weekend in the neighborhood, and there’s lots of interesting things to keep you occupied this fall; read on! Sorry about the extra long message, but there's a lot you should know about.

1) Public Safety Alert (now)
2) Oops! (now)
3) Polish Festival (9/24 & 25)
4) Build It Green! Home Tour and Information Fair (9/24 & 25)
5) Town Hall with State Rep Tina Kotek (9/26)
6) The ever-popular Overlook Walk (9/28)
7) PSAC Meeting This Week (9/28)
8) Overlook Park Survey (by 9/30)
9) Waud Bluff Trail Construction Begins (now)
10) Overlook Families Welcome “Little Kids’ Jamboree”Sessions (register now for October)
11) Volunteer with SMART® and Help Children Discover the Joy of Reading! (register now for mid October)
12) Want a paying job? (Oct 10)


1) Public Safety Alert (now)

Over the past couple of weeks we've had numerous anecdotal reports of strangers in back yards, attempted break-ins and at least one 'cat burglary' (entering a home when occupants are in). Please ratchet up your safety awareness by locking windows and doors and back gates, leaving porch and yard lights on, keeping cars 'showroom clean' and locked and remember to report all crimes.

You should have your new copy of Overlook Views; look for the items on page 7 from Crime Prevention professional Mark Wells, including the details of an upcoming public safety forum and consider participating.

Important numbers to have handy:

Crime in progress: 911

Unwanted person, bad feeling, things out of order, request a patrol car: 503.823.3333<--- Nonemergency police number

Mark Wells, North Portland Crime Prevention Coordinator: 503-823-4098 or email mark.wells@portlandoregon.gov 
Contact him with ANY questions or funny feelings; Mark keeps track of all these reports and tries to get the right professionals on the job for us.

Above all, please please please report to the police if anything happens to your property and encourage crime victims to make the call. Some of the incidents are not getting reported to police.


2) Oops! (now)

A layout error in your new issue of Overlook Views accidentally dropped off part of an important message.

Become one of the Friends of Patton Square Park
We're dedicated to taking care of our beautifully remodeled park and keeping it healthy for everyone! Email us to join in: greenacres @OverlookNeighborhood.org



3) Polish Festival (9/24 & 25)
Saturday: Sept 24, 11am – 10pm
Sunday, Sept 25, noon – 6pm
3900 N. Interstate Ave., Portland, Oregon


This is the big weekend you’ve all been waiting for! Get your polka pants on and ready for pierogies!

The Polish festival is an event for families and singles, adults and children, for food connoisseurs, music lovers, concert goers, dance enthusiasts, … It is for everyone. During the festival, we provide non-stop stage performances, including a few dance groups and music bands, polka contest on Saturday and Sunday, a street dance, delicious Polish food and imported Polish beer. The event is held on Failing Street between the two historic buildings of the Polish Library built in 1911 and St. Stanislaus Church built in 1907.

Over 10,000 people are expected to attend the festival. It is prepared and run by over 300 volunteers organized by the Polish Association.


4) Build It Green! Home Tour and Information Fair (9/24 &25)

Overlook neighbors Corey & Deb Omey invite us all to visit their green home construction project during this weekend’s Build It Green! Home Tour and Information Fair as well as at a special Open House.

Sunday 9/25 Open House.  3:00 PM – 6:00 PM Open house for those not going on the tour, but interested in seeing the house and what they've been working on.  If you haven't been there in a while, you can see the progress….Landscaping, gardens, GSHP, solar, more eco roofs, and an almost finished basement!

2105 N Webster St – 503-349-4179 Cell

The 10th annual Build It Green! Home Tour and Information Fair is aself-guided tour of 22 green remodels and new homes around the Portland metropolitan area. Start and stop where and when you choose. Tons more info online including ticket ordering: http://www.portlandonline.com/bps/index.cfm?c=41893


5) Town Hall with State Rep Tina Kotek (9/26)

Please join State Representative Tina Kotek at the cheap priligy

buzKebywgqLi-Ao-OGmOT1TxHbvx7w==”>Historic Kenton Firehouse on Monday to recap the 2011 Session, discuss the upcoming 2012 Session,and talk about community issues that matter to you.

What:    Town Hall Meeting 
When: Monday,September 26, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. 
Where:   Historic Kenton Firehouse
             8105 N. Brandon Ave., Portland, OR 97217 (map)

For more information, call or email legislative assistant, Michelle Rogelstad, at rep.tinakotek@state.or.us or (503) 286-0558 (district).


6) The ever-popular Overlook Walk (9/28)

Brought to you by the PBOT Senior Strolls program, a narrated tour of part of the Overlook neighborhood.

Wednesday at 10am
Meet at Overlook Park shelter, west side of N Interstate & Fremont

Starting at Overlook Park, we'll explore some of the nooks and crannies in this charming neighborhood, as we hear interesting anecdotes from local resident Dan Haneckow . Total Distance: 2.5 miles


7) PSAC Meeting This Week (9/28)


Wednesday September 28th, 2011 7:00 PM
Location: Historic Kenton Firehouse, 2209 N. Schofield – across from the Kenton Post Office

Guest Speaker- Mayor Sam Adams

Also speaking:

ONI-Crime Prevention – Angela Wagnon, Mark Wells
North Precinct Command –Commander Mike Leloff /Command staff
Mayor Adams’ Office – Antoinette Edwards, Directorof Public Safety
District Attorney’s Office – DDA Jim Hayden

Bring a neighbor and attend this useful and informative meeting. Neighbors will make the difference for public safety in Overlook.


8) Overlook Park Survey (by 9/30)

If you have not yet completed your survey for suggested improvements for Overlook Park, it’s not too late to chime in! Please contact Cynthia THIS WEEK at greenacres@ OverlookNeighborhood.orgor 503.249.7728 to make your thoughts count.


9) Waud Bluff Trail Construction Begins (now)

Congratulations! After many years of working through the complicated details of engineering, property ownership and easements, Portland Parks and Recreation has begun construction on the Waud Bluff Trail! This is a much-anticipated project that will provide a vital link between Willamette Boulevard and Swan Island.  Upon completion, trail users will benefit from improved grading and a paved trail surface. New retaining walls will improve erosion control on the steep bluff, and a new bridge will allow users safer access over active Union Pacific railroad tracks onto Swan Island. Other benefits of the project include the addition of new, native plants on site and creation of a pedestrian island and crosswalk on Willamette Blvd. to address longstanding concerns about access to the trail and the Tri-Met bus stop.

Read more about this project, including comments from Overlook Views contributor Lenny Anderson and see photos and maps here:http://www.neighborhoodnotes.com/news/2011/09/waud_bluff_trail_construction_begins_in_north_portland/


10) Overlook Families Welcome “Little Kids’ Jamboree”Sessions (register now for October)


11) Volunteer with SMART® and Help Children Discover the Joy of Reading! (register now for mid October)

SMART (Start Making A Reader Today) is an early literacy nonprofit that envisions an Oregon in which every child can read and is empowered to succeed. We engage community volunteers to help PreK-3rd grade children become confident readers by providing one-on-one literacy support, valuable adult mentorship, and books to take home and keep. We need volunteers for our program in the Beach Elementary School. Volunteer to read for one hour per week from mid-October through mid-May. Applications are accepted year-round.

To make a difference at these schools and in your community, call 971-634-1616 or visit www.GetSMARTOregon.org and help start making a reader today!


12) Want a paying job? (Oct 10)

Portland Police Bureau is accepting applications for their upcoming Police Officer recruitment on Monday October 10, 2011, beginning at 0800. This is a limited recruitment and Lateral police officers or other certified police officers are encouraged to apply, even if they are not currently working in that capacity.

Online applications will be available at www.joinportlandpolice.com or www.portlandonline.com beginning October 10th.

Contact for more information:

Officer Cara Sweeney
Portland Police Bureau
Recruitment Coordinator
1111 SW 2nd Avenue Room 1542
Portland, OR 97204
