Overlook Neighborhood Update (Aug. 9)

1) OKNA to vote on bylaws amendments

2) OKNA posting meeting recordings online

3) Apply for Portland’s Charter Review Commission

4) Help Portland develop its freight plan

5) Metro Community Placemaking grants

1) OKNA to vote on bylaws amendments

The Overlook Neighborhood Association Board will ask members to approve bylaws amendments at the August general meeting. The proposed amendments include a few minor technical fixes. The substantive proposed changes are:

  • Require OKNA committees to announce their meetings in advance so anyone can attend.
  • Reduce the size of the OKNA board from 15 to 12. (The board increased to 15 a few years ago, but it has proved difficult to maintain a full roster.)
  • Increase the length of board member terms to two years from one year. Terms would be staggered so that six seats are up each year.
  • Move the deadline for board nominations to 10 days prior to the Annual General Meeting in September so that members can know who candidates are in advance of the election.
  • Define an active member for purposes of voting as any member who has attended and signed in at a meeting in the previous six months.
  • Allow voting at an alternate site within the neighborhood. (This will allow in-person, socially distant voting over an entire day for the September board election. Voting on Zoom is difficult.)
  • Members can request that the board place items on the agenda for an upcoming meeting. Special general meetings will be reserved for items that must be addressed before the next regular general meeting.

Read all of the amendments in a tracked changes version of the bylaws. Adoption will require two-thirds support of the members present. The meeting will take place via zoom at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 18. Next week’s neighborhood update will include a link and agenda for the meeting. If you have any questions, contact OKNA at info@overlookneighborhood.org. Continue reading “Overlook Neighborhood Update (Aug. 9)”